It isn’t that I’m rubbing the lamp of a genie, but it feels like that sometimes.
You see, I have a friend named Joan and we talk about hopes, dreams and goals often. She understands what I’ve been through, where I am now and where I want to be in the future. However, during every conversation, Joan starts to sound like a broken record when she talks about manifesting my dreams. I can hear her now…
“All you have to do is visualize your dream(s) a couple of times a day – when you wake up in the morning and the last thing at night. Then make sure you use positive affirmations in the present tense. Just say, ‘I’m so happy and grateful now that ___________’ and believe it and experience how it feels!”
That’s when I want to say, “blah, blah, blah,” but I listen and soak in what she’s saying because deep inside I know that a positive attitude begets positive results.
There are many goals and dreams that I am visualizing every day. Since I talk to myself in my head all the time, I actually put Joan’s advice into action. Please don’t tell her or I won’t ever hear the end of it.
A few of my dreams include:
- a little house away from the city in the mountains
- six pack abs by my 2013 birthday in January
- someone who will fall in love, marry, and give me passionate kisses each day for the rest of our lives, of course, that will give me a reason to wear fancy lingerie (wink)
- snow
Yeah, you read that right…snow.
I love snow.
I’m a cold weather, flannel wearing, snuggling-cuddling type of person and snow fits in perfectly with all those things. Let’s try putting some of Joan’s manifesting to work.
I’m so happy and grateful now that it is snowing. (rolling eyes)
I’m so happy and grateful now that I can hear the crunch of the snow under my boots.
I’m so happy and grateful now that the snow is covering everything. (rolling eyes)
I’m so happy and grateful now that the snow has fallen and I have my camera charged so that I can take a lot of pictures.
I’m so happy and grateful now that while it is snowing, the temperatures are low enough to use the patio like a refrigerator for my water bottles. Yes, that is my drink of choice since I’ve lost weight and am now working on my abs.
I’m so happy and grateful now that the snow is so deep it goes over the top of my boots and melts on my socks. (rolling eyes)
I’m so happy and grateful now that I can make snow cream.
It amazes me that Joan is so steadfast in drilling into my head that I can have and be anything I ever dreamed of having and being. She is equally committed at convincing me that if I do my manifestation, all these things will come true for me — even though Joan hasn’t manifested anything to come true for herself yet!
So let’s try this manifesting thing and cover everything all at once…
I’m so happy and grateful now that I have a little house in the snow where I run around in fancy lingerie to the delight of my loving husband who gives me passionate kisses and enjoys my six pack abs thoroughly every day.
Blah, blah, blah…
The reality is that it is not snowing, I’m not in the somewhat secluded little house and I’m now going to take my flannel covered, untoned abs into the kitchen, get a bowl of fudge covered ice cream, crawl into the bed alone and kiss the dog good night.
So much for manifesting.
Now, the time we have all been anxiously awaiting…This is the weekly post where I spotlight my Rockin’ Friends who are the Top Nine active participants and loyal followers in my community where you will find THE BEST people in the world! If you want to be mentioned here next week, then all it takes is to come in and start chatting with everyone in my community.

With a big, heartfelt thank you for their participation and friendship, here are the Rockin’ Friends this week in order of most participation.
- Joan at Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams
- Katlupe at Homesteading On The Internet
- Bev at
- PJ at PJ’s Prayer Line
- Aleta at Aleta’s Arty Facts
- Paula at The Wandering Hearth
- Carol at ArtMuseDog
- Meg at Mergie
- Amber at Amber May Be…
I’m so glad that I’ve been able to become friends with these wonderful people who are so active in my community. I encourage you to add their blogs to your blogroll, but also come over and chat with us in my community.
For everyone mentioned in the top nine this week, feel free to grab the Rockin’ Friend badge below and thank you for your participation!!

Until next week…Kiss your family, hug your friends and don’t forget to be the friend you would like to have around.
hmmmmmmm… It's dark, so I can't see the sky – but isn't the air beginning to smell like snow??? ahhhhhhhh…
I am so happy and grateful now that…"blah, blah, blah." You had to tell the world that I haven't manifested anything yet? LOL
Your mother is with Joan !!! You can be all you want to. Just saying it is not quite enough though. You have to have faith, in your self, in the Lord and in what you wish for too. We are what we think, I have taught you that all your wee life, I truly believe this. So we get off track sometimes but we can turn around and get back on as fast as we got off. You are smart, so put it too use and become who you wish and who you see your self as. I learned that from therapy, so go for it, mom is behind you in all your rightious desires. I love you
Wooo…hooo.. It's cool
I like snow!
HAHAHA!Iguess it's obvious that I still haven't gotten the hang of cropping and placing my blog image on your linky! LOL!
Love ya!
Not Me! That's why we're headed to the Carribean for a week! LOL!
(Not that it's snowing here! LOL)
Want to hear some more blah blah blah? There's somebody for everybody. That guy you want is out there just waiting for you to be ready. You just have to open up and accept him when he comes along blah blah blah ….
Oh wait! You mean that drunk guy at the bar who came up and put his arm around me because he (said he) thought I was his girlfriend? Darn it. So that's what you mean about staying open.
From one redhead to another, I think I need somebody else to manifest for me. I don't quite have the hang of it.
I sooo miss the snow…having all the seasons. My kiddos were dreaming of making snow angels last night while we watched Grumpy Old Men. =) hehe
Hey Red
No snow here please. We have flowers budding in Nashville : D
Thx for providing the linky.
thanks for letting me post my link on your site! That is fun. I'm working on networking a little more and trying to get more readers so appreciate the opp.
:)courtney spears
When I'm believing in faith for my kids, they hear "blah, blah, blah" – but I believe and don't give up. When it is for me that I speak and hope, sometimes I've had to say, "Do you want me to do something differently? Well, then what? I'm willing to give up snow for what you want." – and I LOVE snow!
Sometimes it's just blah blah blah tough – and it is in the never losing hope that He adores you where dreams you never imagined come true:)
All people who have Red hair have also been given Amazing Plans for their lives:) Still just so darned disappointed my granddaughter didn't have red hair! HUFF!