I have a unique way of choosing books to read and it goes something like this:
- I look at the cover – In this case, the cover is showing a pretty woman dressed in business attire with long, curly red hair. Obviously, the red hair made it a perfect cover! Sorry, but redheads must stick together.
- Next, I read the back cover which definitely piqued my interest. It starts out like this:
- “To get ahead in life, love and business, use Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power as a guide, inspiration and personal resource to create the world you most desire.”
- Finally, I do what other people find preposterous – I read the last page of the book
After doing these three things, I know if I want to take the time to read the book. Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power passed my test with flying colors.
Who Is Maureen Simon?
Let me give you a little background first on the author of Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power. Maureen Simon is the founder of The Essential Feminine Company (TEF) which is “a lifestyle and business design company that supports women to create successful powerful lives that incorporates their feminine attributes and gifts…and leading with their natural strengths and talents.”
Maureen specializes in supporting, mentoring and developing women in advancing their communication skills in conflict and change integration. Some of the women Maureen has worked with include Fortune 100 corporate executives from Vogue magazine, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the BBC, Hewlett Packard, Comcast, PBS, Barclay’s, British Rail, Chevron, and North London University.
“Maureen’s work has been featured in numerous printed publications, including London’s Vogue, Marie Claire, Self, Women & Home, Good Housekeeping, Bay Area Business Women, Marin Independent Journal, The Financial Times, and many others. She has appeared as a regular guest for the London Broadcasting Corporation as well as numerous other radio engagements in both the U.S. and England.”
I usually do not include that much information about a person, but I wanted you to know that Maureen Simon has 25 years of history and research worth listening to and reading.

Inside Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power
Brace yourself and don’t cringe, but when I read a book that “helps” me, I fold down the corners a little bit or highlight the passages that jump out at me. In this case, I folded down the corners and honestly, there are as many corners folded down as there are not folded.
There is a wealth of information in this book that I want to remember.
Inside Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power you will find nine chapters:
- Relationships
- Harmony and Peacemaking
- Thought
- Imagination and Vision
- Creativity and Innovation
- Language
- Beauty and Aesthetics
- Intuition
- Power
Each chapter focuses on the a woman’s differences compared to a man. Yeah, you know there are many differences! Often, especially in the business world, the womanly traits have been seen as a weakness, but this simply is not true. A woman’s “weak” traits are actually powerful strengths that are often under utilized and not a good reason to hold back advancement.
Maureen’s book, Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power will teach you how to recognize, identify and embrace the womanly traits that can empower you to bring to pass your ultimate power. This book will help you map out how to attain the goals that seem impossible using the feminine traits that have always been within you.
The Folded Pages of Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power
If you have read my blog, you already know that this year I have suffered…very badly. When I was approached to “read the book and host a live chat in my community with Maureen Simon,” my initial reaction was “No thank you. I have no power within me. I’m empty.”
Something inside nagged at me as I stared at the invitation on my computer monitor. It kept saying, “You need to read the book.”
Doesn’t that sound silly? Even I thought it was silly! Since my mind has been playing tricks on me for so long, I teetered with the thought that this was just a result of my PTSD. But no matter how many excuses I made with myself, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to read Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power.
Every day I have read a little bit more of the book.
Every day I benefited from the information found in Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power.
Not only do I think that every woman should read Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power, but I also think that men should read the book to better understand women and the gifts they have to offer humanity.
Let me quote a few of the folded down pages in Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power, so that I can share the power of the message in this book.
“The feminine is highly relational and is interested in points of contact that connect people, allowing for deep exchanges, strong relationship-building and communication.”
“Studies have shown that estrogen contributes to women’s deep drive to connect with others, to achieve harmony and consensus, and to work and play in a more equal fashion. Women understand that peace and harmony are not signs of weakness, but rather signs of strength.”
“When we learn to value our own advice and our natural ability to collaborate, we will begin to realize more buy-in and participation than before.”
Then I got to page 78 and the following words resonated in my soul…
“One of the gifts of the feminine is our ability to remain creative while swimming upstream against the critical obstacles that we face.”
Yes, our feminine drive to make everything great for everyone else in our family, causes us to stay up longer and pack the lunches, help the children with homework even though we have the flu, and the list goes on and on. Maureen is right! Women DO have many gifts that I have never “named” before, but are used every day to make the world a better place to live.
So I continued to read with fervor…
“Because feminine communication is more descriptive than that of the masculine and uses story and metaphor, this creates an opportunity for more people to relate to a given conversation and to feel included, which allows people to connect on a deeper level…”
Yes! Yes! Yes!
My feminism suddenly felt validated. I remember all the times that I told a personal story to help someone relate with my inner self so that they were comfortable enough to share their deeper emotions. It helped us share information that would have never been available without the personal connection.
“Research on the female brain has shown us that intuition is not airy-fairy and impractical, but rather rooted in our biology, and that we can have faith in intuition and call upon it in our daily lives as needed.”
Research! I am the kind of woman that wants to have proof that validates my actions. The last thing I want to be seen as is an “air head,” so research that shows my feminine intuition is not hocus-pocus immediately empowered me. All these emotions inside of me are real, necessary and beneficial to me and the world in which I live. I can use them to guide me towards my goals and dreams. My success can become reality. Suddenly, my world was rocked in a good way.
While fighting for my life over the past year, I gained an insight into myself, family, friends, co-workers and the world around me. I lost hope. I got tired of fighting my PTSD. I gave up…almost completely. Maureen said that “attempting to achieve our desired outcomes keeps us on track and motivated in life. Indeed, it is healthy to have achievement and accomplishment as rewards in our life.”
Maureen is right.
Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power is a powerful insight into the world of being a woman and the gifts that make our femininity a positive and essential aspect to change and happiness. Recognizing our strengths is the first step and learning to harness their power into a life changing force is the benefit we can offer the world.
Talk to Maureen Simon Live September 20th, 2011
Tuesday, September 20th at 9:00 p.m. EST and 6:00 p.m. PST in The Redhead Riter’s Community, world renowned speaker and author Maureen Simon will be available in a live chat discussing her new book and enjoying her vast knowledge of the feminine power. There will not only be conversation, but also amazing prizes. This event is for both men and women. I’m looking forward to seeing you all there tonight.
You owe it to yourself to read Awakening The Essential Feminine, Claiming Your Influential Power. It will change your life. It will help you make your dreams come true. It will help change the world.
After agreeing to read the book, I was ready to go buy it or order it from Amazon.com. However, I was contacted by the co-host of the chat, Carol Lawrence shortly thereafter and she promptly had the book mailed to me for free. I would have gratefully paid for this powerful book. Since I don’t want to get in a mess with the government, I wanted to make sure I told you that I received a free book. I’d share mine, but I don’t want you to unfold any of the corners, so you’ll have to buy your own copy (smile)
Red, Wow! Your review rocks. Your clarity on Maureen's book is so appreciated. We are so glad you enjoyed this powerful book. It's a book you can open up and read over and over again. Thank you for hosting Maureen's live chat tonight. We are so looking forward to it.
Thanks again, Carol Lawrence
Sorry I missed the online interview chat. I thought it was tonight!! It looks wonderful! Also, glad to rediscover your blog. It looks just beautiful.
I posted this review on my Facebook page. Your review is fun to read!
Sorry I missed the chat, but I know it was great with the team putting it together.
Dear Sherry,
I had such a great time being a guest on your wonderful live blog talk experience this week.. Your work is powerful and so honors the feminine.
You provide so much to women in so many areas of life –food , heart, health and home… these are the elements that make us rounded and complete.. You see this so clearly. I love the fact that you are a red head and want to know if you have Irish blood—I have a sense so….
I would like for us to stay connected and I would like to know how I can support you. If you are free on September 28th at noon PST –please join me at The Essential Feminine Living Room- a real sweet networking group… http://theessentialfeminine.com/shop#living.
Thanks so much Sherry.