I’ve never tried fried green tea ice cream, nor had I ever heard of it, but this is what I discovered…

Fried ice cream is a dessert with several variations in Mexican, Chinese and Asian restaurants in the United States.
The dessert is commonly made by taking a scoop of ice cream that is frozen at a very low temperature, coating it with a tempura batter, and briefly deep frying. Because the temperature of the ice cream is extremely low it prevents it from melting when placed in the hot oil. It may be flavored with cinnamon, sugar, peppermint, honey and whipped cream.
All the recipes seem to have the cornflakes or cookie crumbs in the batter. Of course, this recipe can be used for any ice cream flavor.
Since today is National Ice Cream Day, remember the cold confection that tastes delicious no matter when, where or how it is eaten.
Yummy….and green tea is good for you right? so it's actually healthy. (don't burst my dairy bubble). A restaurant here makes it with the cornflakes, cinnamon and honey. Sooo good!
Green tea is one of my addictions :o) I betcha I'll love this tasty delight! YUM!
Marisa http://www.meyouandcreamedcorn.com/
Love Ice Cream. My fav treat ever!!!
Oh green tea ice cream is very popular here in Japan. My husband likes it but I think I'll stick to my good ole mint chocolate chip lol. I don't think I have ever heard of it fried though! That would be quite an experience to try lol
We love to go to a local soft serve ice cream place on hot summer evenings.