Honeysuckles are beautiful flowers that grow on arching shrubs or twining vines that have vibrant green leaves. Hummingbirds, bees and people are attracted to these plants for the same reasons…intoxicating fragrance and sweet nectar.
I do not make a habit of eating things I find growing wild. Many times as a child my mother would encourage me to taste the honeysuckle, but it just was not my thing. Mom did, however, find willing participants in her plant sucking, namely her granddaughters.
I remember Alyssa running to me after spending a few hours with Mom and excitedly proclaiming, “I ate a honeysuckle!”
Actually, you do not eat (chew) a honeysuckle – you suck out the flower’s nectar.
How To Eat A Honeysuckle
It is quite simple to eat a honeysuckle.

- Pull off the bottom green part that holds the petals together.
- You will see the tail of a “string” and you need to slowly pull it out from the petals.
- At the end of that “string” you will find nectar.
- Lick and enjoy!

If you say “Honeysuckle” really fast, it almost sounds like, “Honey, suck up.” Of course, that is not a flower. That would be what women do to get their husbands to buy a new pair of shoes, large appliance or a car.
I don’t really think about “sucking up” because it takes too much effort. Alyssa thinks I am missing a major woman gene because she has mastered the art with me. Some day her husband will know just exactly what I am talking about too.
Anyway, I passed a whole bunch of honeysuckles today and thought of my sweet mother. Every time I see one, I think of her and the fun times we spent together when I was a child. I also think about Alyssa’s excitement at being able to eat a flower.
Just thought I would say, “I love you Mom and Alyssa.”
I don't think I've had honey suckle in years…mostly because around here they started spraying pesticide on it so it's not even save to enjoy. But they do taste so sweet!
Really enjoyed this post, didn't know you could eat honeysuckle!! Love the fragrance though….
great post. My Mother used to have honey suckle growing along the fence and I would stand there for an hour picking and licking, giggle.Hoping your weekend is a sweet one. Thinking of you and sending ?
My mom had them to she would yell from the front door at my sister and I saying ” stop eating my flowers” but we still ate them. Great summertime treat.
LOLOLOL Too funny Catherine!!! Thanks for the laugh!
I loved this post. It is one of my favorite memories as a child to eat honeysuckle. Especially during tough years when we didn't have a place to live during the days I remember my Mom taking us to to parks to play and discover that you could drink the nectar of honeysuckle.
I love to "eat" and smell them. Great post 🙂
Husband introduced me to honeysuckle on one of our trips. Seducing fragrance. You made me laugh with suckle up. Always glad to learn a new word – even when the meaning isnt unknown to me….
I’m glad to find this site because growing up I remember sucking the sweet nectar of these flowers and wonder if others enjoyed the same experience. It was my sweet little secret back then.
Awwww! I think many of us have this same lovely experience, so we know your secret. LOL 😀
I “eat” honeysuckle every spring, here’s some more tips:
To get more nectar out, pinch the green bottom off, then pull the longest “string” out of the flower part, it is the one that goes through the center. Then, using your finger and thumbnail, push the nectar out of the “tube” starting at the flower, going towards where the green part was attached. The nectar will drip out. Enjoy!
Cool! Thanks for the instructions. 🙂
When I was a little boy, maybe 4 or 5, all the older folks would be in the house, and I would be all alone, outside, in the back yard of my great aunt’s house. I had nothing to do, and it was kind of lonely. But, one day, I noticed all little flowers growing along the fence. I think an angel must have taught me what to do with them. I would pull the threadlike center out of them and suck the honey off of them. What a great discovery! I never got bored again. I wish you had taken the chance to try a honeysuckle, just once. Your website brought back so many good memories. Thank you!
That is a wonderful memory! Thank you so much for sharing it, Jerry!
I read & enjoyed all who commented. Memories are so wonderful to have. I just wanted to add
that my next door neighbor, has honeysuckle vines in his yard, and I have hummingbird feeders
in mine, and all I can say is, We think we have the happiest hummer’s around. They have the best
of both worlds, and it is such a pleasure to watch them go from our yard to his, and then, we joke
about it with each other!!! Nature is one of the most beautiful things we have in this world!!! Thank
Thank you so much for sharing Pat! As I read your comment, in my mind I could see the hummingbirds flying back and forth. It must be a glorious sight to see in real life!
We just cut down 40 pine trees and replaced them with Honeysuckles. Every time I eat one, I will think of your story and your Mom. Thanks for sharing!
Is it just those one in the picture you can taste? First time me tasting them was in Southern Illinois the past weekend. They looked like the ones in the pictures above. But where I live closer to Chicago there are really bright orange and red ones. Am i able to try those? Thanks in advance. Lol
Nevermind. I took the flower apart to check it out. Nothing. Also I found a actual honey suckle plant on the property. Pretty cool