April is a big month in my family…
My sister, Audrey, was born on April 3rd.
My dad was born on April 4th.
My daughter, Alyssa, was born on April 15th.
It’s the month of births. On the day that we enter into the world, it is an exciting and scary adventure. We have a body and the freedom to make choices. Inevitably, we all make mistakes…some of us learn from them and others do not, but we all are given the opportunity to choose how we live.
Audrey and Alyssa can still enjoy the sun in the morning, but Dad lived all his days already.
Where is Dad?
Dad is no longer living on this earth because he died of a horrible disease called cancer. His physical body is in the cemetery. I can visit and put flowers on his grave, but his body no longer houses his spirit.
Most people agree on that part of living and dying, but there are vast differences in the beliefs of what happens after we die.
Is there life after death?
Do we float up to the sky, sit on clouds and play harps all day?
Do we cease to exist?
There is a really sweet lady at work and when her grandfather died, I went to her office to offer my condolences. During the conversation I said, “Some day you will see him again.”
She looked at me quizzically and said, “No, I won’t ever see him again.”
I was a little taken aback and asked her about what she think happened after we died. She said, “After you die, you name is written in a book, but you cease to exist because all living is over.”
“Wow!” I said. “With that kind of belief, what is the motivation to do good?”
“We choose to do good because that is what’s right,” she said in a matter of fact tone.
I proceeded to tell her that I believed after our body died, our spirit went on to live. Those people who have gone before us will be there to greet me and we will see them when we pass away. I would be held accountable for the choices that I had made while living on Earth. That was part of the motivation for “being good.”
Knowing that I will see those people I love again brings me comfort.
It gives me hope of a great reunion some day.
I also feel like my existence and all the good I try to do on this planet isn’t for nothing.
Within the next week, my Mom’s sister will pass away at the young age of 63. This is the same sister that Mom spoke of in Two Big Eyes In The Window. Aunt Ann’s body is shutting down and when everything stops, I believe she will step out of her body and see her parents and all those that have lived before her.
Aunt Ann will be happy. All those who love her that are still living will grieve from the loss. That’s how it all happens…birth, life, death.
Do you believe that there is life after death?
from the fear of life.
A man who lives fully
is prepared to die at any time.”
~Mark Twain~
This is the weekly post where I spotlight my Rockin’ Friends who are the Top Nine active participants and loyal followers in my community! If you want to be mentioned here next week, then all it takes is to come in and start chatting with everyone in my community.
With a big thank you for their participation and friendship, here are the Rockin’ Friends this week in order of most participation:
- Katlupe at Homesteading on the Internet
- Bev at eBlebco.com
- Carol at ArtMuseDog
- Marlene at Marlene’s Many Hats
- Angela at Just A City Girl With Tractor Envy
- Kristi at The Child Sensitive Communication Grid
- Lori at Lori’s LOLz
- Sonia at LogAllot.com
- Suzanne at One Thousand Gifts
I’m so glad that I’ve been able to become friends with these lovely ladies who are so active in my community. I encourage you to add their blogs to your blogroll, but also come over and chat with us in my community.
For everyone mentioned in the top nine this week, feel free to grab the Rockin’ Friend badge below (Yeah, we do crazy poses like that too because we are stylish LOL) and thank you for your participation!!

Until the spotlight next week…Happy Chatting Rockin’ Friends!
Don’t forget to add your blog URL to the Linky at Woo Us To Your Blog and learn blogging tips that will help you have a polished blog and to increase your traffic! This week it is all about my new boots! Have you read it yet?
Until next week…Kiss your family, hug your friends and don’t forget to be the friend you would like to have around.
That was a very interesting post. I'm really curious to find out what this really is all about… only God knows 😛
What a heartfelt conversation with your girl. Loved that Twain quote too – he had such a knack for sharing the realities of life in unforgettable ways.
Just wanted you to know that even though I'm more of a lurker than a commenter on here, I love your blog, and I gave you an award! Check it out on my site! http://livingpower.blogspot.com
So what happens after we die..I don't know.. I'm not dead yet!
I believe as you do that there its life after death. I believe each of us has a Spirit, a Soul, an Inner Being, whatever you want to call it. When our Mortal Body dies this Spirit goes on living. It's a wonderful Plan.