I was sorting through my daughter’s discarded items that she placed in a box after she cleaned her room. At the same time, I was thinking about my blogging tips post today.
When a computer starts to “act up” and all the normal remedies do not work, I reboot the system. To “reboot” means to turn the computer off and on again thus allowing it’s operating system and all the programs to reload in the correct order with all the proper coding.
A computer can not work properly unless the operating system is loaded first then all the software afterwards. Rebooting allows this to occur.
The term “reboot” is derived from the word”bootstrap” which you probably have heard in the saying, “Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.”
A bootstrap is a loop, tab or handle at the top of a boot which allows for more of a grip and power to pull on a boot.
So pulling yourself up by the bootstrap means that you get yourself together to complete a task that feels impossible without the aid of anything except for your own power.
It is important to reboot your computer frequently. If you turn your computer off each day, you don’t have to worry about rebooting because it happens each time you turn your computer on.
As I rummaged through Alyssa’s junk, I doubted that I would find anything that I could use until I got to the very bottom of the box.
I quickly slipped on some fuzzy boots that looked virtually new. They fit perfectly and are so comfy!
I have officially been rebooted.
Yes, I’m still wearing pajamas. Cute with the boots, huh?
Woo Us To Your Blog
The last “Woo Us To Your Blog” post was about blogging like Spider-Man which is as exciting as it sounds!
As always, attached is the weekly Linky to enter either the main URL to your site or add each post you publish throughout the week. You don’t have to do anything special, just drop your link in and get a little extra exposure to your site.
Until next week’s wooing post, I hope you catch some great opportunities in your spider-webs!
Katherines Corner says
Thank you for the linky my friend. Hugs and see you at my new digs. xo
Simoney says
I loved "blogging like spiderman" and I LOVE those boots!
how cool that they fit you so perfectly 🙂