Do you have advertisements on your blog or website? Do you use Google Adsense?
If you have these advertisements, you need to also have a privacy policy in place. Google actually insists that you have one or you could end up banned from every using Google Adsense again for as long as you live. That’s a long time. To learn about the details visit Google Advertising Cookie and Privacy Policies and learn about the DoubleClick DART cookies that are gathered on sites that use this advertising method.
What should a Privacy Policy include?
- Introduce your site
- Stipulate how information is collected from visitors under the age of 18
- Explain what information is being collected
- Clearly state how the collected information collected
- Where is the collected information stored?
- How long is the collected information stored?
- Provide contact information
Does that sound complicated? Well, I thought it did too.
Get a Free Privacy Policy
I used Free Privacy.com to help me with my own privacy policy for The Redhead Riter blog.
The site walks you through the process set by step. It was a quick and easy process. When I was finished, I copied and pasted it into a page on my blog and included a link in my footer leading to the privacy policy.
Really, it was painless.
Hi there Redhead Riter!
thanks for this tip about privacy, the world is very complicated today and it is a concern about minors, thanks for sharing this!
take care, Kathy
So, no ads, no ad sense, no privacy policy…got it! Thanks Red…:)JP