Don’t forget this is also the “Woo Us To Your Blog” post and a Linky is at the end for you to drop your blog(s) URL so that we can visit you. Take advantage of this opportunity for FREE ADVERTISING of your blog. No strings attached, so it doesn’t get any easier..
Now let’s learn something…
Surfing through the internet, site after site, I read “Contact Me” on buttons and in navigation bars a billion times. Sometimes when I click to contact the owner of the site, they want my name – address – phone number – dress size – weight – blood type – shoe size – I think you get my point. All the fields are mandatory! It becomes impossible to contact the site owner because I am not going to give them my first born just to write them a short note. When that happens, I lose all motivation to contact the person and I usually just leave..
Do you think I will ever try to communicate with them again?
No way!
I’ve already told you one way to help your readers contact you and now I’m going to share another method. Not being able to contact someone is one of my pet peeves, so I am going to exhaust all methods to try and help everyone find a communication method.
Blogging is Communicating.
Let’s say it like this: Blogging = Communicating.
It is VERY EASY to contact me. I have “contact me” buttons and images, a free forum, easy commenting method on my blog and after you write me once, you’ll have my email address too. So, like I said, it is VERY EASY to contact me.
When you click on the “Contact Me” buttons, you will be directed to a form that asks for MINIMAL information because I definitely do not want to know your blood type or shoe size. I just want to be able to write you back which is the whole point of this process – providing a means by which two people can communicate.
Anyway, the form that you fill out to email me is through Kontactr and is one of the best things I did for my blog. After a VERY EASY installation, the Kontactr email form is maintenance and worry free. I love it! The web and embedded form have both worked perfectly the whole time I’ve had a blog which is why I can say that I am 100% satisfied with this product.
Let me show you how VERY EASY it is to install on your site or blog. It will change your life! Well, maybe not your life, but it sure will make communicating with your readers a breeze.
FYI, I am not getting paid to make this posting. I am sharing this because I truly enjoy this product.
Pull up Kontactr to create your personal contact form.
Step 1: Click “sign up”

Step 2: Fill in the blanks with your: name, email address, a user name, and a password. Now click the “sign up” button. You can read the “terms of service” and “privacy policy” if you want to too, but I’ll tell you ahead of time that Kontactr will not spam you. That is really important to me.

Step 3: So now Kontactr has sent you an email. Jump on over to your email and click the “click here”

Do a little happy dance to celebrate the journey to communication.
Enough dancing.
Step 4: Go push the “click here”

Step 5: Now you are at a page that tells your personalized information such as the link to your Kontactr form. It will also show you a whole bunch of codes.
The first code is the one that you use on a “page” to accommodate an embedded form.

Step 6: Maybe a whole page set aside with an embedded form isn’t the thing for you. Why embed the form? The advantage of having the contact form embedded is so that the reader isn’t taken away from your site.

How do I do handle my Kontactr Contact Me forms?
I use both the embedded form and the online web form. Some of my buttons lead to the embedded form while others lead to the online web version. I just try to cover all my bases. Remember, I have secret demons and dragons.

I have to admit that the aqua online web version isn’t my color, but hey, I don’t look at it that often because I’m not writing myself emails nor do I ever have any problems with Kontactr!

The embedded version looks really nice on my blog. I love the letters that must be typed by the writer to prove they are human and not a spammer sent from the dark regions of Hell. I guess I feel rather strongly about spammers – Duh!

Don’t forget – this is FREE
It is as FREE as a nudist running on the beach and as EASY as Sunday morning.
Now you will have naked people running through your mind singing the Lionel Richie song, “Easy.”
You’re so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o welcome.

Wasn’t that fun?!
Okay, I know you can’t get your mind off the nudist singing “Easy,” so I will help you…
Here’s Lionel. Don’t you love his clothes! How did that many years pass by so quickly?
Break time is over now. Let’s finish off this lovely post.
How do your readers contact you?
The last “Woo Us To Your Blog” post explored Horizontal Rules. Do you remember what that was or are you still stuck on the nudist at the beach?
As always, attached is the weekly Linky to enter either the main URL to your site or add each post you publish throughout the week. You don’t have to do anything special, just drop your link in and get a little extra exposure to your site.
Until next week’s wooing post, have fun with Email Contact linking and I will see you back here next week with another blogging tip.
“Yeah, I’m e-e-e-e-e-easy…Easy like Sunday morning,
Oooooh, yeah, e-e-e-e-e-easy, Easy like Sunday mor-r-r-r-rning”
Thanks, I like this tip. Have already added my "contact me" button with embedded form. Sweet.
Thanks for this! I never heard of it before. I think I'm going to give it a try your tutorial is very in-depth. I will admit I do put my email on my blog but leave it as is (with no link) because I feel the need to rid my life of spammers. I like the security that this new contact form provides. Thanks. PS delicious pics of my daughter on my blog if you want to come and see. Oh my she just turned 3!!
Another AWESOME TIP!!! Thanks for bestowing your wisdom upon us! You ROCK!!
I must have missed the nudist EASY… LOL!! But I do like Lionel! HAHAHA!!!
TMI: Theat looks like the beautiful Navarre Beach that wwe (my dad and I frequented when I was a teen… Where the sign was VISIBLE, NOT the OTHER SIDE… The nudists would actually be around the corner so as not to be visible by the OTHER beach goers… Yeah… That's where I would be abandoned sometimes… Yeah… I'm NOT THAT DUMB… DUH, DAD!!! ;p That's all I have to say about that. LOL!!
((HUGS)) to you RED! Hope you're finding enjoyment in the season! <3
Hmmm… Maybe you have to be smarter than the Linky to submit your entry… which I've succeeded at BEFORE… but clearly tonight I am NOT that bright… LOL!! ANYWAY, this is the post I'd wanted to submit for "Woo Us to Your Blog"
LOL!! Nevermind… I smartened up… *sigh* ((HUGS))
I've been using the Email Me Form since I started my blog. I am going to try this one and see what the differences are.
I hadn't see that one before. Awesome tip! On my blog (wordpress hosted) I use the Fast Secure Contact Form PlugIn, it works really well. You can see it here –
I'm mighty happy that in months of using it I haven't gotten any spam yet. LOL I get enough spam in my comments.
Have a happy holiday!!
I want to thank you very much for this! This is awesome for my blog. Your are so nice to help us out by showing us all these neat things. Thanks! It's now on my blog!
Kontactr doesn’t provide the email address of the sender of the form so it makes it impossible to contact them back.
Hi John,
On the Kontactr form, one of the pieces of information that the sender enters is their email address. So there isn’t a problem to contact them back. 😉 Kontactr offers a great service!
I can’t respond to anyone who sends a message via my Kontactr form – the message they send comes through from Name
I’d love to know how you can reply to them – I know they enter their email addresses, but that information isn’t passed on in the body of the message you receive… annoying.
Hmmm…I don’t use the Kontactr form anymore, but when I did the email addresses did get passed on to me. I was able to respond to everyone via their email. Maybe you should contact Konactr to see if something has gone wonky.
Hey Jane,
The email address of the sender is in the “reply-to” field of the email. So, you can simply click “Reply” on your email client and the “To” field of your mail will be filled with the sender’s email.