Welcome to “Tell The Truth Thursday” where the question that has been posted in my right side bar gets answered by me and you! Did you prepare your post and are you ready to drop your URL into the Linky so that we all can follow? Grab the thumb above linking it back to this blog posting and let’s get started…
The question this week is :
- Where do you call home – city, state and/or country? What makes it special to you or do you dislike it terribly?

When Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz clicked her heels three times, it took her straight to Kansas – no detours and no questions asked. Confusion about where she belonged just never happened and throughout the movie she constantly was looking for a way to get back home.
Although I lived most of my life in Texas where I graduated from school and had my baby, I do not feel a “home” connection with the state. It is more like a best friend – comfortable and enjoyable to be around.
So does that mean I think Virginia is home? Actually, no. I say that because the longer I thought about this question, the more sure I have become as to what I consider to be home.
I will start with the Virginia thing first so you will get a picture of where I am geographically. I live in a very beautiful state in a city where I can drive two hours east to be on beach or two hours west to be in the mountains. How’s that for variety? I’m surrounded by tall trees, gorgeous grass, a large variety of flowers, deer running freely, historical homes, museums, monuments, statues, ships, and all kinds of artifacts. There is a huge and famous cemetery downtown and it is always a very peaceful excursion that I enjoy over and over again. I’m glad Alyssa likes visiting graves because it is fun sharing it with her.
That brings me back to the task of identifying where I consider home. Let me give you my personal definition. Home is the place where:
- it is clean, organized and filled with light and happiness
- great smells, delicious food and constant laughter flow from the kitchen every day
- the bathrooms are like grand central station and even the dog wants to be in there no matter what I’m doing
- the sheets on my bed smell fresh and clean under a heavy quilt made from pieces of Alyssa and Brittany’s dresses dating back to when they were little girls
- yappy barks from Bella can be heard anytime Alyssa gets in the shower because she wants to share in the experience
- there are more craft and sewing supplies than I can possibly use in a year
- people stand in front of an open and full refrigerator and say, “We don’t have any food” or “I don’t see the mustard” only because they don’t bend over slightly to loooooook
- “Mo-o-om” can you bring me a towel!” wafts down the hall at least once a week
- photo albums filled with memories from some of the happiest moments of my life occupy a huge portion of the bookcase that I helped make when I was pregnant with Alyssa
- Turtle greets me every time I go through the front door and stands in the corner of the 55 gallon tank so that I can pet her head with my gloved finger
- I can feel comfortable with my hair up in a barrette and have a face void of makeup
- strange music escapes from under the crack in the door of my daughter’s room
- sounds of songs played on the guitar that never get strummed to the end by Tom because he is “practicing”
- the volume of the television seems to magically get higher based on how loud I am and how much Tom and Alyssa want to drown out my noise
- loud snores akin to Fred Flintstone’s raise the roof over Tom’s side of the bed every night
- the phone can ring right next to people and I’m the one that is supposed to run across the room to answer it
- late at night when everyone is sleeping, I can stand close to her bed with a grateful heart and listen to the soft sounds of my child breathing
The old cliche, “Home is where the heart is” by Pliny the Elder means a whole lot more than just some sweet words thrown together. I feel home when I’m with those that I love and serve each day. Giving to them buoys my spirit, helps me feel needed, and gives me a sense of belonging to something greater than just myself – namely my family.
If Home is where the heart is
Then may your Home be blessed
A shelter from the storms of Life
A place of rest,
And when each day is over
And toil put in its place
Your Home’s dear warmth
Will bring its smile
To light the saddest face!
~John McLeod~
Now it is your turn to answer the Tell The Truth Thursday question. Enter the post URL that answers the question in the Linky below and have fun checking out everyone’s answers…
Hey Gal! BEautiful post! I'm waiting to see when you "get published"! I love reading what you write.
God bless!
LOVE this!!
I always enjoy your quotes, too!! ;D
You know, I still have my daughter's baby book mostly unfinished. I have a ton of pictures, but I still haven't put them all together. My hall closet is filled with half organized albums, boxes of loose photos and random crafts. Oh and I cannot forget the endless stacks of hotel soaps I seem to collect. Never have to buy another bar in my life. 🙂