Welcome to “Tell The Truth Thursday” where the question that has been posted in my right side bar gets answered by me and you! Did you prepare your post and are you ready to drop your URL into the Linky so that we all can follow? Grab the thumb above linking it back to this blog posting and let’s get started…
The question this week is :
- Are you a morning, afternoon, evening or night time person? Has it changed over the years??
I have been addicted to Harlequin Romance novels since I was a gangly fourteen year old. I used to get so involved in the plot of a book that I wouldn’t be able to put it down, so I would stay up all night to finish reading it. My metabolism was a cross between a speeding bullet and the Energizer Bunny. Night after night, my mother would kiss me goodnight and in the silence of the wee hours of the morning, I would read my stash of happily ever after books and listen to cassette tapes.
My late night behavior wasn’t anything new…I have acted the same since I was two years old, sitting with my parents and watching Elvis Presley movies until 2:00 a.m. Those were such lovely nights. Mom and Dad sleeping like logs with me rocking in my little chair and watching Elvis until The End appeared on the screen. Then I would wake them both up and we would all go hop in the same bed with me in the middle.
Yes, they spoiled me, but I promise I’m not rotten.
When I was in my late twenties, I joined the Harlequin Romance book club. Once a month, my mailbox would have a stack of twelve new novels delivered and I would voraciously read to satisfy my desire for happy words describing people in love. I am after all a hopeless romantic.
The box of books would appear and that meant I would not be going to bed that night.
Now it’s 2010 and I’m a few years older. (cough, cough)
Things haven’t changed much when it comes to plopping my head on the pillow. It would even be reasonable to assume that I don’t even know the meaning of bedtime.
On any given evening, you can find me reading, blogging, surfing the internet, writing, cooking, cleaning, sewing, crocheting or crafting well past midnight and I might even watch the sun rise on Saturday morning.
I simply do not like wasting my time sleeping.
I don’t like it!
With my nose buried in a book
until about 3:00 a.m.,
(of course I’ve already read the last two pages)
I’m bad like that…
Now it is your turn to answer the Tell The Truth Thursday question. Enter the post URL that answers the question in the Linky below and have fun checking out everyone’s answers…
joyce says
Hey Sherry,
I wish I had your energy to get so much done. There's a lot to be said for passion for life – in the awake lane!! Hope you're doing well.
Love, Joyce
Avante Garde Parenting says
I, too, envy your ability to function on little sleep. Also pretty sure I had that Pat Benatar cassette from the photo when I was younger
mrsentrepreneur says
Hi Redhead,
I'm a afternoon / evening person.
I do most of my work from home so if I choose to take a nap in between working I can. At ages 13 to 17 my only responsibility was going to school so that I could graduate and have a future. I was able to stay up from 6:00am in the morning til' about 9:00pm in the evening when it was time for bed. Today as a married woman and being an entrepreneur I find myself sometimes sleeping late in the mornings from about 8:00am to 8:30am the latest, before I start my day. This reminds me of my own blog posting LOL- "How Much Sleep Do You Get?"
Chaplain Donna says
I'm a night person, but I really love those days when I can get up early and get a ton of things done before work. I can be just as productive at night, but doing it in the morning gives my a boost of energy until 12pm, then I'm sleepy. So, I'm a night person, especially since I'm a blogger.
Holly says
((HUGS)) to YOU, Sherry!! I'm relating some here… I remember staying up in my basement bedroom doing homework, reading, or sewing to all hours and having to function for school when I was a teen. LOL!
Seems like the pattern just got worse.
How are things going for YOU???
Red Nomad OZ says
From one redhead to another – wish I could stay up all hours (I'd get heaps more done), but I just LOOOOVE sleep too much! Working, farming, blogging and travelling have 'reaked' havoc on my natural inclinations in more recent times though. Is this normal?!?!?!
Self Sagacity says
Hi, My first time here. I came by through the NightOwl's blog post this week. I love your meme, "tell the truth"- very awesome, goes well with SelfSagacity. I would love to join when possible, if that is ok.
Lori says
I used to always keep very late hours, but over the years that has changed. Now I'm in bed by 10-11 PM and up by 6 ish. On the weekends when I know we don't have to get up early for school, I stay up a bit later, but I don't function well if I don't get at least 7 or more hours of sleep. And when I am up, I'm always going 100 m.p.h.
The Little Blonde Girl says
Wish I had your energy! I'm leaving you an award on my blog! Come claim it!
ruthhill74 says
In so many ways, I understand. I wish bedtime was not necessary. I'd love to blog, write or be on the computer 24 7!
LipstickRocks Blog says
I am definitely a night person…Typically I get 3-5 hours a sleep. I used to read Harlequins too, Red!
eof777 says
Enjoyed this exercise very much… dont you love my blue night owl? That aside, this has been excellent for reflection and I paid every entry a visit and left comments. Thanks for the prompts!
B says
I am also a night person! I simply sleep better during the day!
Alyssa says
I was the same way as a teenager! My mom used to catch me reading in the middle of the night and take my books away lol! And obviously since I'm blogging at 1 AM things haven't changed much.