The last couple months my email account has been on fire with people asking me questions about how to increase their followers and readership. “How can you help me?” seems to be the question of the day. My answer has been getting longer and longer with each email because brief explanations are hard for me…in case you haven’t noticed. If I keep it up at this pace, I will have written a blogging book in no time.
In lieu of a two hundred page book, I will provide you with a synopsis of some ways I have found to assist other bloggers in increasing their blog traffic.

The Ways I Can Help
- I have 6 “blog roll blogs” You can read about them here. If you would like to be listed on one, there are two options. Either post my button (found here) or if buttons aren’t your thing, contact me for monthly pricing paid via PayPal.
- Every Wednesday night, I post my “Tell The Truth Thursday” question with a Linky. Write a post on your blog answering that week’s question (found in my right hand side bar on The Redhead Riter blog) and then drop that post’s URL in the Linky on my blog. Free advertisement and exposure.
- Every Sunday night I post the “Woo Us To Your Blog” with a Linky. Nothing is required for this one. Just drop your main URL or every time you post during the week, come back and drop that post’s URL in the Linky. Free advertisement and exposure.
- The Sunday night “Woo Us To Your Blog” also provides blogging tips from very basic to complicated.
- My BlogFrog Community (found here) is a great way to gain free advertisement and exposure . If you make comments often and are among the top 10 commenters in my community, not only do you show up on the Forum tab right side bar as being a Super Star Rockin’ Friend, but on Sunday night I recognize the top commenters in my Rockin’ Friends Spotlight. Check out the previous spotlighted Rockin’ Friends.
- Also in my BlogFrog Community, I have a weekly goal. If you are successful with the goal, you are spotlighted and sometimes I offer a prize.
- I also offer advertising on all my blogs quite inexpensively. My goal is to help others, not break their bank accounts. If you need me to help you create an advertisement, let me know. We can chat on the phone if you would like and you can tell me exactly how you want it to look. I would be happy to make it for you free of charge.
- Commenting on my posts will not only brighten my day because I love to hear from you, but will put your blog out there for others to see. That doesn’t mean leave a comment that says, “Come visit my blog at blah, blah” or make a totally unrelated comment proving you didn’t read the post. I believe that is the #1 way to discourage other people to visit your blog. It makes you look selfish and greedy. Unless you know that the blog you are visiting doesn’t mind you leaving your blog’s URL, don’t take the chance of offending them by leaving it. Remember, blogging is about relationships, relationships, relationships. I often visit blogs that I found in the comment sections of other blogs by simply clicking on their name or photo next to the comment. There are ways to play nice.
- In case you haven’t noticed, there is also a “Recent Comments” widget in my side bar, so that is also another way to be seen.
Technical Stuff About My Blog
- In the right sidebar of The Redhead Riter blog you will find labeled bars…Ways to Relax, Chuckle of the Day, Rockin’ Friends, Woo Us To Your Blog, etc. Clicking these links will take you to the posts associated with those topics.
- At the top of my blog you will find a navigation bar that will take you to my 6 “Blog Roll” blogs.
- There are little photos at the top of my header which when clicked will take you to the story associated with the picture. Some of them are top read posts and others are simply posts I really enjoy reading over and over again. Yes, I re-read my own posts. When all is said and done and the lights go out, I have to be my #1 fan because this is my life after all, so I better be loving it!

Was this post purely unselfish on my part? I’m afraid not. From now on when I receive an email with the burning question of how I can personally assist others with increasing their blog traffic, I can simply refer them to this post. How’s that for being organized and using my time wisely?
Last week we learned about the fact that size matters.. Do you remember the message or did your mind just go into the gutter? Men, don’t answer that because the women know your answer already and we love you anyway.
As always, attached is the weekly Linky to enter either the main URL to your site or add each post you publish throughout the week.
Until next week’s wooing post, enjoy your blog, and let me help! Do you remember that song?
Being fed grapes and fanned by a gorgeous man,
Not really, but I’m taking volunteers for the fan position.
I have resided to concentrate on content and let the followers come as they may. Thankfully they have. 😀
But I love your posts about how to. still teaching myself the coding part.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
another way is to follow other peoples blog and to be sincerely commenting regularly. Don't follow a blog you don't like just to get readers- because if you don't like their blog, chances are they wont really like yours either…just a thought.
I first of all want to tell you how much I absolutely love your blog. I am a fairly new blogger, but I always know that when I see a post from you that I just MUST check it out. I participated in your tell the truth this past week, and I got some fantastic feedback as a result. And I have now posted your button. My buttons are a little bit cluttered on the bottom of my blog, but you will certainly see it.
This was very helpful to me – thanks for writing! Also, I put your button on my page 🙂
Hi Red,
And if I may add, be patient think of creative ways to interact with your readers such as, polls,games,videos,music player. Take the time to think of what is interesting to your readers and you'll be surprise at the traffic that comes driving through.
I am really enjoying your blog and love the tips you give. they're Great! Thanks
Have a blessed day.?
Thanks for the advice! I didn't realize I was offending people with my tag on my comments! I just always wanted to let people know how to get hold of me and I just LOVE my blog's name!!
Come by when you can…
Head over to my blog today … thank you for the inspiration, you inspired me to give you an Award 🙂
Hi RR,
Thanks for all the terrific ways you help other bloggers. I really appreciate it!
I think it would be perfect to create a button for your Sunday "Woo us…" I'd love to add it to my blogs too; forgive me if you have one already.
Also sending prayers and blessings to you and your loved ones… God is good all the time.
WOW! Just WOW! This is such great stuff! I've had you listed on my blog for a little while now, but I never copied your bottom, I have your button on my blog now. 🙂
And thanks so much for Sunday Woo Us To Your Blog.
1. Thanks for the info. I've always been curious about how people got "all those followers." You've appeased my curiosity.
2. I may have already said this in a comment (too lazy to go back and look), but I'm really enjoying your blog. I like blogs that make me smile. And yours does. 🙂 (See?)
3. I don't think your blogfrog hyperlink is working. At least it's not for me. Which is not a problem for me, since I'm already on blogfrog (frogblog? I can never remember. Gotta work on that) and I'm already your follower so I'm all good. But figured you'd want to know anyway.
Once again, thanks for the wooing!
I just stumbled across you.. this is some interesting and detailed information. I'll be passing it on.. plus grabbed your button and ran.
I'm a fan of that guy feeding you the grapes. Can I borrow him?
Sorry Joey….he's busy over here. I had to send him back to the grocery store though…I prefer the green grapes! LOL
Um… this is awesome.
What an outstanding way to help fellow moms/writers/artists/ladies/whomever gain exposure.
It's almost blog-coachy. And that's a good thing.
And your blog is great. I think I'm about to get lost clicking on all of the little sidebar thingys.
Very helpful! I love reading blog "tips" and you're a pro 🙂
When I first started blogging it was just to communicate with my family and friends and keep them updated with my family. I never thought that watching a growing followers list would make my day! It always helps to know that someone is actually reading what I post.