What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several time a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it?
What if we gave it to children as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go… hmm… where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don’t have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.
And finally, no dropped calls!
Makes you stop and think ‘Where are my priorities?”

Well Amen to that! I couldn't agree more. The kids and I have been reading ours every night at 8:30pm. It's been a great way to relax in the evening and I'm hoping gives the kids something wholesome to think about before they go to sleep.
Excellent!! ?love it?
Fantastic post!
wow! i totally agree with that! in this day and age so many priorities are upside down! i don't read the Bible as often as i should. it is sitting next to my bed on my night stand. i do pray every night and every morning…but i need to read the Bible more. my favorite to read is Proverbs. i really feel like i can sink my teeth into Proverbs..it all makes soooo much sense.
You can now download the scriptures onto your cell phone! There are free applications available. Since doing that, I never have a good excuse not to read the scriptures at every opportunity. It is wonderful!
Thanks for the post :o)
That was great! Thanks for sharing.
I completely agree that some people definitely need to read the Bible, not by force but by free will. Maybe they might learn to love, to know that there is a greater purpose, and to have meaning in their lives.
I personally should read the bible more often, but I enjoy it more when I'm at church and my pastor explains it to us with such a great passion. Well, enough of my ramblings, cool post and write on!
Brilliant and thought-provoking. Both! This one made me stop and think. 🙂
What a GREAT post!! Loved this. I think we are in a world that often relies on its own understanding and not the God breathed words of the bible. Even having a few scriptures memorized gives comfort in times of trial and chaos. Having a pocket bible or bible on tape is even better. Thanks for this, I really agreed with you. Hope your daughter is progressing and getting better. Peace…
good point! this would be a much better world if we were as connected to our faith as we are to our cell phones.
I tried something a few months ago, and it helped me put my priorities more in the proper place. The first thing I do…is to read my scriptures. I take about 30 minutes to read. And, with the many things I have to do, it seems to me that I get all that stuff done. If I don't read, those "need to do's" take the whole day. I feel so blessed for doing, even just a little. I feel the Lord blesses me to get what is important to me done because I put His word as the most important thing!
Hey Gal! Hope all is well, and Alyssa is recovering nicely! I think your post is awesome! I reveived that as an e-mail a while back and I totally agree! I figured out the 2 things that people will go out of their way to make sure they have with them are their cell phones so they won't miss a call, and cigarettes for those who smoke! I think that it's sad. My pastor is always talking about being careful because the "little gods" can take over us and our priorities so easily and that is so true. A god is anything you put above your LORD. It can be cell phones, money, computers ( my bad), tv (my bad), sports or anything else that takes the place of focusing on God (reading your Bible, or praying, or even discussing Him with others. So, KUDOS to you Red for bringing this specific problem to light. God Bless and Love you Bunches! Hugs to Alyssa!