This post is definitely about me. I’m sure you will get a chuckle or two out of the complete craziness.
Listed below are four fun facts about none other than me. I am participating in a giveaway at Aspire and this post was the requirement, so I thought it sounded like a great idea to tell you a few of the more weird things about me.
1. I didn’t like high school. I graduated with honors at the top of my class of over 500 students, but I found the whole high school experience to be boring and socially stressful. I was quite introverted back then and enjoyed reading and watching old movies, so I stayed home a lot and skipped school. Mom always knew about my absenteeism and even gave me her permission, but the Assistant Principal was not ever very happy with me. For some reason it bothered her that missed a total of thirty-six days one year. Doesn’t make sense, does it? (laughing hysterically now remembering her face when she asked me if it was really necessary to miss so much school). Children can’t do that any more because now schools have “rules” against that kind of behavior. I would have been a great candidate for home schooling!

2. I never leave the house without my makeup applied because I am so pale! As a matter of fact, I also do not open my door for anyone to visit if my makeup isn’t on…well, I do let my family visit, but I remain in the house like a mole hiding with my pale face. Hmmmm, a redheaded mole. (no one better say this looks like me!).

3. I do not wear my hair in a pony tail because it makes my head and hair sore. Really! If I put my hair in a pony tail for as little as an hour, when I take it down and move my hair with my fingers, it is sore on my scalp. It might just be the plainness of the style. (Alyssa is rolling her eyes and saying that I am crazy) Maybe I should try one of these ponytails…

4. When I was in elementary school, my shoes were AAA widths. Now they are normal size B’s, but back then it was rough finding shoes for a narrow foot. Mom and Dad always had to buy them at a specialty store and I used pads around the back of my heels to keep them on my feet. There wasn’t anything hip about my footwear because I had to wear granny shoes!

That was rather fun remembering those silly things and I enjoyed drawing hair on the mole.
I can hear you now Mom…do not try to dispute that the shoes looked like old lady footwear!
Love the mole hair too! Wish mine looked that good. Will you some draw some on my head too!
Love your post. I can personally relate to most of it.
Thoughtful post and High School isn't for sissies, that's for sure. Nice to meet you, visiting from Blogfrog. Thank you.
If you try one of those ponytails who have to promise to post a pic! :->
Thanks for sharing these fun facts – I had super wide feet as a kid and my shoes looked like old lady shoes too! hated them so much LOL!
Have a great weekend!
Sally Lee by the Sea
Thank you Bossy Betty! I was laughing the whole time I drew it!
Teresha that is too funny. You tempt me to take a wacky pic of me with a crazy pony tail LOL
The mole hair is too cute!! And I also never leave without makeup…YIKES! LOL
Attention, the reason they call it a pony tail is it belongs on a pony!!!!!!
i didn't like high school, either, and my mom had trouble finding shoes for me, too. clothes were worse. when i was a child, she couldn't buy anything of which i hadn't approved by determining it to be "softer", and then it became an issue of size. i was a scrawny, runt of a girl. as a freshman, i was still wearing sixteen-x's from the children's department.