Our children are always wanting us to see their new discoveries. Even now, my daughter will say, “Mom, look!” Of course, I immediately give her my undivided attention.
I think it scores me points especially if I don’t say “One second.” Right, Alyssa?
Last year I made Alyssa’s prom dress, but this year we sat in front of the computer monitor and looked through so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o many dresses trying to find the right one. This was after Alyssa had already perused the internet gathering together the “maybes” for me to see.
Well, we have ordered one, so when prom is over I will have to post the pictures because I am sure she will be lovely as usual. Anyway, back to the undivided attention thing.
I can just hear these little girls saying, “Look Daddy! We just found kittens.”

I would probably scream and you know what would happen!!!
Oh how funny!!!!
Gorgeous dress! Turned out fabulous. Probably doesn't hurt that she's beautiful too! I bet the boys are beating down the door! Can't wait to see what this years dress looks like!
So glad you stopped by my blog! Your comment was stuck in my spam filter. Glad I found it.
This post hits home. My middle daughter just had her Jr. Prom. I have yet to post about. Waiting for the CD with all of the pics first.
So great to meet you in the blogosphere! I've been a little slack lately. Currently trying to strike a balance with life's demands.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you. I'll be lurking around here a while learning a bit more about you. Come back and visit!
Rena @ insertgracehere.com
awww stinky kitties
Love the black and white kittens, lol. Did the mother ever come to get her babies?
Holy smokes, are those baby skunks?!!!
Thanks for stopping by my world awhile back…just getting around to returning the favor 😉
My son would be all over those "kitties"–that is TOO funny!
What a great simple short post full of warmth and humor. I love it.
What a great simple short post full of warmth and humor. I love it.