If you are depressed and want to run away today, I just wanted you to know that other people know how you feel because they have been there too. That probably doesn’t make you feel any better, but my point is that you are not alone.

After working three days on a project from the moment I got to work until 7:00 p.m. each night, I finished today. The bad part is that I made a major error at the beginning which makes all my work wasted effort…and that wasn’t the only thing that went wrong today.
As you can tell, I am having one of those “run away” days too.
Let’s indulge ourselves for a few moments.

by Karen C Vanderlaan
I want to run away,
Just be gone – check out
I long to hide away
And bury my head in my hands
To just cry until I am all cried out
Done – no tears left
Cry till all the sad is gone

To rise only to return and slip back
between sheets that never cooled
I desire the sleep of no interruption
Till all the exhaustion has lifted
From my heavily laden eyes

I will get up each day the crack of dawn
I will continue the endless motions
That make this life of mine work
Putting one foot in front of the other
Over and over again

Now let’s get past that bad experience and remember this…
connected with action.
Successful people keep moving.
They make mistakes,
but they don’t quit.”

any moment you choose,
for this thing we call
‘failure’ is not the falling down,
but the staying down.”
Wishing you a better day filled with sunshine!
All images are from Flickr, but I forgot to get the URL’s associated with them and will try to go back and find the credits later.
The pictures that you put up remind me of this website I found once. The man would set the timer on his camera for 10 seconds and then run. Every picture was of him running away. Always in different locations. Sometimes vastly different.
I have days like that too where I just want to run….the worst that happens though is that I pray a little harder and hug my kids a little tighter – have another glass of wine.
I'll see if I can find that site, I think you'd like it.
In all of my running away, I've learned that running away solves nothing! It isn't even the easiest route either. I have had those days though and even recently but now I find I do run but that's into the arms of my Father. 🙂
Wow. Just what I needed yesterday. Good way to start off today.
I've been there before. Liek you said we can't give up have to keep moving and use all the bad to spring board off for a better day. Thanks
Those are some lovely words. I have felt a little like that recently after being poorly. I am lucky that I have a good friend who gave me a good talking to last week and has brought me out of the cave I was disappearing into. I thought I was depressed. I realised I wasn't, but was just annoyed with the way life was going. I soon came to understand that being poorly isn't my fault, but that being successful was down to me to make happen.
CJ xx
YES. Just this week my husband said, "I guess all you have right now is motion…you just keep going, that's all you can do."
And it hit me in the gut cause it's the truth.
Great post.
Yup – been there.
Was there, in fact for the past year and a half … my children made it impossible for me to stop, stay down or give up.
We're almost on the other side now … and things are getting better – yay!
I'm sorry about your project. That seriously bites. But glad you are looking for positives in your crummy morning. I've been there before too.
I know how you feel. I get so overwhelmed with everything going on that I struggle to stay moving forward, but I do. I told my son today that I want the world to just stop because I want to get off… he looked at me confused… do you blame him?
I can definitely relate. I feel like running away, but inertia has got a hold of me. I know you have the strength to keep chugging!