Today I looked down and saw the monkey grass obeying the call of spring with brightly colored green leaves emerging from the earth and splaying across the mulch. The rich earth, the fresh mulch and new green all together in the bed looks refreshing after the brown of winter.
Among all the new growth I spied a large clump of green leaves and bright yellow flowers completely out of place because they are weeds. To a person without knowledge of weeds, they may believe that these weedy flowers belong in the bed amongst the monkey grass and fresh mulch. However, to the trained eye, a Dandelion is simply an unwanted, pesky weed that is hard to exterminate. The Dandelion’s deep, twisted, and brittle taproot regenerates if it is not completely removed.

Dandelion’s are like lies. Initially, to the unsuspecting, a lie sounds wonderful especially if it is surrounded by a lot of truth. Once you tell a lie, it is hard to remove the effects of the lie. You can work hard at making recompense for the damage caused by a lie, but once another person has been hurt, only time heals and softens the reality of the aftermath of lying.
If you tell one lie, usually you have to tell another to keep the untruth from being discovered. Then you have to tell another lie to cover the second lie and a vicious cycle is created. An uncomfortable series of events.

On the flip side, if we want others to always tell us the truth, we should be prepared to accept it without condemnation. We are not going to always like the facts – the truth. However, if we are going to expect the truth, then we must also be willing to accept the truth with an open mind void from being judgmental.
The key element in accepting the truth and telling the truth is the trust that we feel in the relationship whether it be with a friend or family member. Being trustworthy is an ongoing trait that can be added upon or taken from, but it applies to everyone. Flying off the handle in the face of a truth makes you an untrusted person with whom to share the truth which is part of the reason people lie. I’m not saying that it is right or wrong, I’m just stating that it is one of the main motivators to lie for people who are basically honest.
Think about your relationships. Are they open and accepting enough that people feel safe enough to tell you the truth to avoid Dandelion lies?

is always better than
the best dressed lie”
Very clever analogy and very true too!
Best wishes for a great weekend,
Thanks for following me on blogfrog. Great post. I like the analogy. I'm going to start following you too 🙂
I hate when I find myself telling a lie, it usually is reversed right away but when I fail to do it. I pay dearly of it. Have a great weekend. Love the photos.
What a super entry! Great illustration and ever so true. Blessings for a wonderful week-end!
Wow, what a Great tie in example!! So true, but I never would have connected the two.
I currently have a battle with that 'weed' in both the literal outside and the 'lie' analogy in my work place. I'm sure I was meant to find time to read your post this weekend! Thank you!!! Have a Great weekend my blogging friend and inspiration!
I'm back! What did I miss?
I am someone who prefers the ugly truth over some prettied up lie.
interesting post and analogy. Always thought a balance in a relationship is fragile like a head of dandelion clocks- 1 puff and its all scattered to the winds.