Sometimes life gets complicated and the future looks gloomy.
Nothing makes sense because our mind is filled
with whirling thoughts of unhappiness and an abundance of problems.

As each day arrives, we feel precariously perched on the mountain’s edge
unsure how to solve the dilemma that looms before us.

There isn’t any assurance that the path we travel is right
because it is crowded with the darkness of insecurity.
We can not see ahead.

Often the path becomes completely black
except for the small light that still burns within us.
We feel so
and we don’t believe we can make it another day.

When the fear sets in threatening to drag us
into the murky dark abyss,
we lose hope.
However, that is when we need to reach up
to find strength.

and reach within
to find the faith to believe.

keep going.

Beautiful use of images to go with this one!
You wrote this post for me, didn't you? 🙂 Everything I have been feeling the past week or so, is right here in your post. Are you my Guardian Angel?
Thanks for giving me a leg up out of this hole.
With all my gratitude,
Found your great blog through Friday Follow. Now Following!
Churchill's quote is so dead on. Sometimes it's so hard to keep moving, when all you want to do is give up. Thanks for sharing!
PS Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday 🙂
God Bless you Red. Those pictures are so thought provoking. I'm still praying for y'all. I'd still like to know where you find such neat photos. Zemanta just isn't really all it's cracked up to be. Again, May God Bless you and keep you.
beautiful post… loved it!!