Have you ever tried to draw ANYTHING on an Etch A Sketch? I tried as a young child and as an adult. Needless to say, the end product looked like scratchy yuckiness. I usually wore out my Etch A Sketch because I was so determined to make something that was recognizable, plus I liked watching the silver ball-like impression made as I turned the knob one way or the other. I carried that tradition on and always kept Alyssa and Brittany supplied with Etch A Sketches of every size and color imaginable. Needless to say, I spent many hours trying to “get it right” which always ended in a fiasco. Makes me laugh just thinking about it now.
George Vlosich has made drawing on an Etch A Sketch an artistic accomplishment. His drawings take up to seventy hours to complete and can be sold for up to $10,000 a piece. Shocking? His work has been commissioned by many very famous celebrities.
On YouTube you can watch a three minute video of George Vlosich creating one of his Etch A Sketch drawings which was originally a sixty hour process (the miracles of time lapsed photography).
I am totally AMAZED by his creativity with an Etch A Sketch. Check out the website GV Etched in Time to see all of his artwork so that you can experience the wow factor like I did.

with the right mental attitude
from achieving his goal;
nothing on earth can help
the man with
the wrong mental attitude.
that's incredible! (remember that show?)
Oh yeah! I faithfully watched that show and was in love with Opie. I thought I would grow up and marry him. Then we got a color television and I saw that he had red hair. I knew I was going to marry him! LOL I was a kookie child LOL