It almost felt like Spring was in the air today, so it is hard to believe that just a few weeks ago we were buried with snow. As a child, I spent most of my time outside during the Spring and Summer. Since my sister was four years younger, I learned to play alone.
I made little rafts of dried leaves for ants.
I chased butterflies.
I sat very still hoping for dragonflies to land close to me.
I leaned back in my swing and watched the clouds float along.
I cooked pretend dandelion soup.
One of my most favorite things to do was to make clover flower necklaces. I would pick pink and white clover flowers, put a small slit with my plastic “play” knife at the bottom of the stem creating a hole. Next, I inserted the stem of the next clover flower through the hole until it was flush with the stem. Then I would cut a slit in that stem and pull another flower through the hole until it was flush with the stem. I did this until it was long enough to make a necklace (a very primitive lei) and then I tied the two stem ends together.
Bees chased me.
I made a new necklace at least five times a week.
I was too ignorant to realize that twenty clover flowers hanging around my neck made me very attractive to the buzzing bees.
Ignorance is not always bliss.
Now I understand why my mother didn’t wear her necklace very long.

I should tell you about the Cowboys and Indians tomorrow. Then you will be laughing that not only did I look like an orange tipped matchstick that wore necklaces to attract bees, but that I simply had no common sense.
Did you make clover flower necklaces? Did the bees chase you too? What did you do outside during the summer?
in every childhood,
an enchanted place
where colors are brighter,
the air softer,
and the morning
more fragrant
than ever again.”
~Elizabeth Lawrence~
I was too scared of bees. And I was usually climbing a tree!
Love this post – how many kids were running around with bees chasing them, while wearing their pretty clover necklaces! Great memory.
I used to play that I was either a horse or a dog. I don't recall bees chasing me and probably because I could out run them. 🙂 LOL!
I love your blog, great childhood stories!