Actually, I am too depressed to blog positively tonight. If you are like some members of my family and think that I:
1. Am able to live every principle taught in the uplifting quotes I post;
2. Am perfect;
3. Think I am smarter or better than you;
4. Spend every waking moment happy;
5. Only sit in front of the computer and do nothing else;
Then you, like them, are mistaken. Here are a few facts about me:
1. I don’t know a lot of things which is why I like surfing the computer;
2. I am very flawed, but I try hard to be a better person every day;
>3. I make mistakes all the time and I am very klutzy;
4. I often feel stupid;
5. I often feel worthless;
6. I’m often unmotivated;
7. I love my daughter more than life itself;
8. I love my family, but do not approve of all their choices, but that doesn’t make me love them any less;
9. I pray for my family, friends, and blogging friends all the time;
10. I worry about Brittany and Alyssa’s futures and happiness;
11. I wish I could live long enough to take care of everyone when they got old so that I could ensure they were cared for with love – I hate knowing that I won’t be around when Alyssa is an old lady;
12. I find surfing on the internet an emotional release and it helps me to feel better about myself;
13. And lastly, if you are so perfect that you don’t ever have any negative thoughts, then you are very blessed and definitely should not read my blog again because it will fall way short of your standards.
Alyssa has already gone to bed and I’m tired too, so now I’m going to bed. Sorry if this was a downer, but at least you all know that I do not live a fairy tale life and that I actually bleed red blood.
Hey Gal! I'm sorry you are feeling so down tonight. First of all, anyone who doesn't have a downer day once in awhile, I would worry about. Not only that, you are "entitled to". It is unhealthy to be up all the time. The reason I say that is because if you are up and positive all the time, that means you (or should I say the person) is hiding a lot of negative feelings inside and will "BLOW" eventually. Even God knew we can't be positive all the time. That's why He says PRAY and ask Him for help, right? No one is perfect, that's why He says to strive for perfection. That is a life's journey. We will never be perfect until He comes and takes us up in the air, when we are changed. Well, you know me, I could go on and on, as I sometimes could be called the queen of negativity (on myself). Just remember , we love you. You are a blessing to ME and many others, including your family. As far as being on the computer so much, I get that all the time. I don't know who said that to you, but in my case of course, it was my husband. Then again, if he wasn't complaining about that, it would be something else.
Love ya Bunches!
I think you sound just fabulous! And your daughter is so lucky to have you as her mom, I can tell from your posts just how much family is important to you! ~Jen~
GASP!!!! Imagine my shock. 🙂 Seriously though. I love that you are so real. I wouldn't want you any other way. It's one of the reasons I have you on my blog list. You're one of my favorites because you're real and because I learn so much from you. Besides, it's great to have someone who understands how I feel as a mother of an only child.
I hope things are looking better this morning. I appreciate you!
Thank you all. The "GASP!!! Imagine my shock" truly made me just laugh out loud. I feel better this morning. In the light of day I think they have lost their mind LOL I like saying wonderfully positive things and the more I say them and/or post them, the better I feel! I appreciate your comments. I will have a better day today!