The men’s meme didn’t have a new question posted, so Tom made one up and hopefully next week he will answer the regular Men’s Meme.
We just finished watching the half-time at the Super Bowl with The Who! That rocked!!!!! Now Tom will answer the question that he created.
His comments will be in BLUE:“Any particular reason you have chosen this question?” I asked Tom.What non-sexual physical feature do you tend to notice first about a woman?
No, I just think it is interesting. Finding a compatible mate is essential to happiness and good health in this life. There are many tests and measures used by employers and therapists to assess dominant aspects of personality. This is most often called chemistry. The same person will likely have a different effect on different people.
The feature I notice is the voice and content in terms of tone and intellect and how well that resonates with me and my instincts.
The non-physical feature about a man that I notice is his intelligence and attitude. I love a man that is charming and has zero arrogance. Someone who is intelligent, but doesn’t feel the need to flaunt it. A man who is humble in nature and yet strong in his commitment for doing good. All of those characteristics are evident in just a few minutes of speaking to him and watching the way he carries himself when walking into a room. If you put them all together, he is one sexy man!
Now, if we talk physical features, blue eyes has it hands down!

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