you have to do something you never did.”
Don’t we tell our children, “Try it, you’ll like it!” with all the enthusiasm we can muster so they will eat vegetables, try out for the talent show or perform gymnastics on the balance beam at the state meet? Then, we turn around and tell ourselves that we “can’t” stick our neck out on the line and try something new.
We have all the faith and encouragement necessary to help develop the confidence our children need to grow into well rounded, social, intelligent, talented adults. We’ve all heard the quote…
over and over again and
expecting different results.”
~Albert Einstein~
I do not like change. Period. I like the same everything which makes my life a daily struggle because there is change everywhere, every day! When we have to step outside of our comfort zone, we are uncomfortable, off balance, and often just basically lost. New opportunities and change can bring about great leaps of growth, accomplishment and confidence.
Did you ever perform in front of a group of people or have to give a speech? What happens right before you start? You get this big pit in your stomach, a dry mouth, your hand trembles and maybe you start to sweat. It is not a desirable feeling and yet after speaking, you immediately feel relief and a sense of accomplishment.
With every new adventure there is always the hope of happiness. These opportunities can range from painting the wall a vivid color when you always have white to starting your own business.
What holds us back?
The fear of failure, rejection and ridicule.
What is the key to overcoming fear?
I think Susan Jeffers says it best…“feel the fear and do it anyway.”
That’s right! Do it no matter how scared you are that you will look like a fool, miss the high note, fall off the uneven bars, sell only one book or everyone stares at you and laughs.
To know me now you would be hard pressed to believe that I used to be so afraid of failure that I cried when I had to stand in front of the class and give a book report. I was so afraid of being rejected that I used to eat my lunch alone in a crowded lunch room rather than extend a few words of friendship to a peer. I was so afraid of ridicule that I was afraid to raise my hand to answer a question. I hated feeling so intimidated by every living human being.
Believe me…that is all over. I could stand in front of a thousand people and talk about anything without preparation. I say “Hi” and smile at every person I practically pass without even thinking twice about it. I do not eat my lunch alone unless I am on a conference call!
I changed.
I stepped outside my comfort zone, embraced the fear and just did it.
You can too!
Embark on something new. Start the one thing you keep holding back. Believe in yourself.
No matter how much you doubt your ability, you can be successful at personal change.
Don’t you believe it?
Believe it!
Have you accomplished anything thus far that has made you feel like a turtle who suddenly stands on his back legs and does the Cotton Eyed Joe or The Electric Slide?
Maybe that was a bad analogy.
PJ says
Hey Gal! Long time no talk to ! Have you gotten use to being back at work yet? Your post seems like it mirrored me. I haven't conquered my fear of public speaking or singing yet! I have honestly tried but to no avail. I sang "O Holy Night" as a Christmas solo a few years ago at church, and forgot the words. I know the words like the back of my hand! I just had a horrible bout of stage fright. It was embarrassing enough as it was, but I even had the words laying in front of me "just in case I needed them, and looked down and lost my place! Right now, I'm in the midst of taking a class on how to give Bible Studies. I know what to say, how to say it, but when I get in front of someone else, I forget everything!
I Will overcome this fear, God Willing. I know He is because it's for Him.
Love ya bunches!