Growing up, whether we saw a Volkswagen Beetle coming, going or parked, we would “slug” the arm of the person driving in the car with us and yell “SLUG BUG!”
Since I was brainwashed that this was a fun game (don’t get me wrong because it is fun), I taught it to my daughter too except that I never “slugged” her in the arm. Instead we did more of a “Princess tap” on the arm. I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you a bit. Anyway, she loved it and I would often ignore “bugs” so that she would win.
Now she is older and driving, so in a way I have an advantage because I can really look around.
My child has the eyes of an eagle. I think she can see a Volkswagen Beetle fifty miles down the road! I never win!
The car will be silent and then I hear her say softly, “slug bug.” She doesn’t even punch me in the arm.
It is more like…you lost.
I taught her too well!
Where are my bifocals?
Yep I remember that game, I think as a kid we spent lots of time in the car so it was slug bug, hitting the roof anytime we went under a bridge, and the lic plate game!
my siblings played punch buggy too. but we did punch…hard. just another excuse to abuse each other.