I thought I would do something fun once a week. Along with my posting, I am going to post a “men’s meme” that runs from Monday to Monday hosted by Families Again and my husband will provide his answer to the meme. I’m going to add some testosterone to my blog! If you want to participate or have your husband participate, just click the button below, sign up on the Linky and make your posting.
So we will start with hubbins first…age before beauty.

So Tom’s question is…
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? If not, why not? If so, what are they?
I do not make New Year’s resolutions because I am philosophically opposed to committing outside of a family or group context. If there isn’t any accountability and not a requirement for me to fulfill for an exact purpose, it isn’t worth it to me.
When I was forty years old and had six children ranging from the ages of one to sixteen, I decided to complete my graduate degree in one year and work full time. I look back in awe and can’t imagine ever doing it again. I can’t believe I did it then and I don’t think anyone else can either.
Consequently, I’m allergic to books, paper, ink…seriously! On the bright side, I learned to read quickly and write more concisely with less editing; I had little time for rewrites. Ironically, this led to licensure in a profession that requires me to write an accounting of all my patient care and obtain forty class hours of continuing education each year. Good thing I didn’t think about that in advance.
I just made a New Year’s resolution to be more patient, tolerant, vigilant and regularly post in the Men’s Meme…even if it kills me…
Hey Gal! Did You think I was ignoring you? Naw, just wanted to give you a chance to regroup before your vacation being over. I have really enjoyed the late night chats and getting to know you better. Here's hoping you have a great Monday to start your back to work off. I plan on participating in the Men's meme, but just remember, I told you what my hubby's like, so no telling the answers I'll get.
Love & Prayers,
oh what a great idea!!! I love the testosterone injection!
Thank you by the way for the fantastic award, I simply didn't have enough air to come up to breathe over the holidays and am frantically trying to catch up on everything. My thanks, so much! x
nice answer Tom!
"I just made a New Year's resolution to be more patient, tolerant, vigilant and regularly post in the Men's Meme…even if it kills me…"
I think you forgot to add "otherwise The RR might" onto the end of that sentence!
A few months ago I tried to get my husband to do a similar thing. He clammed up and shut off the funny. Yours does not have that problem!
This is wonderful, so fun, it's great he is participating too. A fun wit. Hugs! and Happy New Year!