It was cold and raining when I walked all the way to my car in the back of the parking lot at work tonight. As I was driving down the highway, I noticed that the water was running off the road ensuring that there were not any standing puddles which could easily cause me to lose control of my car while going 65 mph.
So my thoughts wandered to all the man/woman hours that went into ensuring that the highway was smooth, straight and had great drainage during rainy weather. It took many people to design it and then even more to build it to the specifications given to them.
I haven’t lost you have I?…hang in there because I’m trying to make a point.
As I exited, the big loop also had excellent drainage and the pavement was angled perfectly for a comfortable turn. Then I hit a secondary road. Not only was it uneven and spotted with pot holes, there were big puddles everywhere. Every time I hit one, I felt it. There was a whole bunch of water in the puddles. Because I slowed down, people were flipping the birdie at me and flying down this road as if it were the smooth interstate.
Life is like the road. We travel along smoothly on the highway because we are making the correct choices and we are trying to practice the golden rule with all the basic human decencies and courtesies. Just when everything is going great, we have to exit and our experience is not pleasant. There are trials…people we love pass away, jobs end, good health fails, rude and selfish people wiggle their way into our lives and we become miserable, etc.
Our puddles feel like oceans. The road of life feels like there is no hope for a smooth surface free of crazy drivers and pot holes. The drainage is horrible!
So what I have to keep reminding myself is that:
I can only control myself.
I have to say that often.
I can only control myself.
My actions.
My thoughts.
My emotions.
My desires.
I can not make anyone obey the laws.
I can not make anyone love me.
I can not make anyone respect me.
I can not make anyone want to talk to me.
I can not keep people from being rude or nasty to me.
I can not make anyone appreciate my sacrifices and efforts.
There are people who will “fake” being obedient, loving, respectful, etc., but I can not make them FEEL IT.
I can only control myself.
So the next time your husband ignores you when you are crying…
When the woman at work disrespects you by treating you like you are stupid…
The car going 100 mph in a 45 mph zone flips you off…
The grocery clerk doesn’t make eye contact or say hello…
Your wife tells you to “Shut Up” all the time…
The car mechanic charges you for a new car part even though they didn’t change it out…
Keep remembering that they are one very small part of your existence. They do not and can not control you.
I can only control myself and I do have people that love me, care for me and enjoy being with and around me.
And what about the rest of the people that add to the water in my pot holes?
Well, they are missing out on knowing a very sweet, giving, compassionate, loving, helpful, intelligent and thoughtful Redhead Riter.
…if I may say so myself.
What a profound highway of life story.
Repeating…..I can only control myself.
Perfect! Its true we can only control ourselves, funny thing is that by knowing that and doing so everything else around you feels better.
Great post and for those that drive 100mph in a 45 I'm sure there potholes are huge!