Maybe it is just me, but it seems that when it takes years to have a child, you notice every little thing about them when they finally get here. On top of that, you just can’t get enough of them.
I have one daughter.
All my motherhood, hopes, expectations, worry, happiness and love is tied up in one little girl. I can say she’s a little girl because she is my only child and because she is very petite – in other words little.
I see it all.
The way she moves her hands.
Her big, beautiful brown eyes that exude deep love and compassion.
The silkiness of her fragrant hair.
And yesterday, the tender longing to be loved and accepted as Daddy’s Little Girl.
Alyssa’s father and I were married just shy of sixteen years. Since our divorce and for the last nine years, Alyssa and I have lived on this side of the country and her dad lives quite far away. His current wife gave him a plane ticket to see his daughter this week. Wasn’t that sweet? We think so and are very grateful for the opportunity it afforded daddy and daughter to spend time together.
Their last night together was spent opening packages from one another and reading stories. I took 153 pictures while they opened packages.
I wanted to capture the moment for Alyssa because everything about her screamed, “I am Daddy’s Little Girl.” It was quite touching to see unconditional, pure, innocent love.

There’s something like a
line of gold thread
running through a man’s words
when he talks to his daughter,
and gradually over the years
it gets to be long enough
for you to pick up in your hands
and weave into a cloth
that feels like love itself.
~John Gregory Brown~
That's just wonderful. I'm so glad they got to spend that time together.
That's very powerful. Almost cried with that poem…I'm pregnant with a girl. 🙂 Can't wait.
That is truly amazing how happy you are about the relationship that prospers between your daughter and her father, given that he is your ex-husband. Too much do I see mothers resent that instead. I appreciate a woman who can admit that just because he wasn't the greatest husband (for you) that it doesn't mean he's not a great father.
And your daughter is beautiful! 🙂
THIS is beautiful and made me cry. My daughter is 3 and adores her daddy like no other. I think every little girl is Daddy's Girl, regardless of where their dad is. I grew up on the west coast and my dad lived all the way in Ohio. He was in a car accident on the day of my wedding and died 10 months later. Still trying to sort that one out… 🙂
No, you're not alone else we are the only two. I know exactly what you mean. Contrary to what a lot of people stereotype, my daughter is not spoiled as an only child. It's not lonely for her growing up because she has her Dad and I. Of course a couple of dogs and a cat too but who's counting? LOL!
Very sweet.
My grand daughter is so beautiful, and I think this is one of the niceist post yet. I am proud of you , my Sherry. I am so grateful that my girls have no guile in their hearts and can live by the values that I taught them about love. It often brings pain to the heart but it is also the greatest gift from God.
I'm so happy that Alyssa got to spend time with her daddy this holiday! *sniff, sniff* (these are tears of joy!) I don't care what anyone says…every girl needs her daddy in her life. That's why I made sure to pick a good one for my baby girl.
That was a wonderful Christmas gift! What wonderful pictures you took!
I just stopped over from SITS. Have a merry Christmas!
I am just stopping by to say hello. What a wonderful post!Brings tears to my eyes, as I think of my daughter and her daddy. Love the pictures also.
I'm glad to meet your blog! I am following you on the BF community and will come visit often too. Happy holidays!
This is such a sweet post! I commented on it in December as thishumanscondition. So, so sweet!
This is so beautiful and mature. I am just visiting for the first time, but I am touched by your class and love for your daughter, and all that comprises her. Wonderful.
I just want to say I think it is great that even though you and your husband are divorced, you are still able to interact with one another. The fact that you take pictures during "daddy-daughter time" and encourage such a relationship is a rare thing these days. Your daughter is fortunate. I wish my mom would have been more encouraging of my relationship with my dad when I was growing up. Perhaps then I would have handled the divorce better.