Clapping, washing, cooking, reading, cleaning, hugging and many more activities included the use of our hands.
Here are a few tips to keep your hands beautiful.
- Keep your cuticles looking neat and moisturized. The cuticles function is to act as a barrier to fungus and bacteria. If they begin to overgrow, ONLY use a pair of cuticle clippers. Not only will this prevent infection, but also prevent uneven pieces that could get caught in clothing and pull.
- Keep your nails neatly trimmed. Only go to nail salons that practice good sanitation to prevent infection of your nails, nail bed and cuticles.
- When using harsh soaps, detergents or chemicals, always use rubber gloves (cotton lined are the best) because cleaning products are extremely harsh on your hands and nails. The water causes the skin to lose its moisture and the nails to swell then shrink causing brittle nails.
- Wear a high SPF sunscreen on your hands especially when driving the car. Take it from me, a fair redhead, the sun can burn you through a window. The constant intense rays of the sun day after day will cause not only age spots, but also wrinkles.
- Always use tough protective gloves while gardening, picking vegetables and during cold weather.
- Moisturize after each hand washing and wash your hand frequently especially during cold/flu season.
- Last but not least, exfoliate 1-2 times a week. Either buy a scrub or make your own.
Great recipes below.
1 tbs. Flax seed oil
1 vitamin E caplet oil
1/4 cup ground almond meal or corn meal
Directions: Combine and massage into hands. rinse well.
Recipe from NB Community
Lemon & Brown Sugar Body Scrub
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup salt
1 tablespoon of lemon
1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil
1 tablespoon of honey
Mix brown sugar and salt, then add the lemon juice, virgin coconut oil and honey, mix well. There you have it a nice easy body scrub made just for you! Keep in mind when making this fresh at home that you must use it quickly (within a couple of days) or store it in the fridge. The coconut oil will solidify in the fridge so allow time to defrost when going to use it next.
Recipe from DeShawn Marie Handcrafted Soap

Motivation with Frogs
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I'm going to give your hand scrubs a try this weekend. (Love the cube pictures!)
So simple!
I will have to make the hand scrubs my hands are in serious need of care
Thanks, just in time for winter. My hands take a beating during winter.
GREAT advice. Thanks for the recipes. This time of year I really need it.