Envy may be defined as an emotion that “occurs when a person lacks another’s (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it.
People are envied for many things such as:

I think they all boil down to one thing and best said by Harold Coffin:
“Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.”
Envy is the result of a lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. We are all different and those differences make us unique. There are no two people exactly alike in looks, feelings or thoughts and therefore, we have something to contribute that no one else can.
It is easy to focus on the things we “don’t” have instead of the things we “do” have which is why I suggest that you write down a list of your blessings. When you are finished, don’t tuck it away somewhere never to be seen again. Boldly post it on the refrigerator, cork board or even on the side of the computer monitor, so that you will see and read it often. Noticing and being appreciative for the things we have cultivates a feeling of satisfaction, contentment and ultimately happiness within us.
Neil A. Maxwell said, “We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.” It would be such a waste to live out our existence envying others while our talents remain untapped and our blessings unappreciated. Develop your talents and multiply them through hard work and perseverance.
Look within and around yourself. What do you see? Start by making a short list and each day add one more blessing. I’ll start.
- God – the Father of my soul who breathed life into my existence.
- Jesus – my Savior who died to give me eternal life.
- My mother – a wonderful woman who gave me life on earth.
- My daughter – the sunshine in my life.
- My family – my safe haven from all storms.
- My body – including every freckle.
- Health – even though it gives me a few problems.
- Job, car, home, clothes
- Great memory – I can remember things back to the age of two.
- My intellect – I learn quickly.
- My compassionate nature – I have a big heart.
Now it is your turn. Stamp out envy today by making a list of your blessings and reflect on it daily. As your blessings list gets longer and your thankfulness increases, envy will not have a part in your life. Happiness and the peace that accompanies it will flood your life.
of which every man has plenty;
not on your past misfortunes,
of which all men have some.”
~Charles Dickens~
What are your blessings?

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I will try – I will. But I'm in the middle of a very rough patch. Perhaps that's the very best time to try…
Beautiful post, as usual. We count our blessings each night when we say our bedtime prayers and we're trying to get the kids to start doing that. I think it's a great way to end the day. 🙂
Do drop by my blog; there are a couple of awards for you.
I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by.
I could really use something to lift my mood. This just maybe it. I'm going to go make my list.
What a powerful post, love it!
I especially appreciate the quote, "Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own." I couldnt agree more!!
I have often found myself making a list of ten, it is simular to your list…a list of thanksgiving; to remind me that I am oh so very blessed and have many things to be grateful for!
Sassy Chica
I do admire people who are very beautiful…and even envy them. But I spent several years in my 30s looking better than I have in my life and hanging out with very beautiful women and I learned from that, being attractive is a heck of a lot of work. It requires dedication to working out, eating next-to-nothing, getting your nails done, getting airbrush tanned and your highlights done, etc., etc., etc. Unless you make your living being beautiful, there comes a point when you realize the reward really isn't worth the work. You start to turn inward a little and work on YOU. I don't really envy beautiful women anymore. I envy women who have achieved great things in life. And I REALLY envy Nora Roberts!
This is such an amazing post. It made me think for sure. I know I want the perfect body at times and to be really smart. But I have what I want and that is my husband, daughter, family and friends. Thanks for opening up my eyes.
This is a great post! Im going to sit down and make my list as soon as I get home, thanks for sharing yours!
I must meet this glamorous daughter of yours! 😉
Great post! I agree with it all except the Mariah Carey bit…she makes me want to run screaming for the hills…but that is unfair; she is probably a lovely person. ;O)
I like to think I'm never envious or, if I am, I try to turn it into something positive e.g. strive for that thing in my own life. I always look at what I have rather than what I don't have and I have a great family, wonderful friends, get to eat good food and do my best to help others; having the body/hair/house of my dreams isn't going to change that. Plus, I do the best with what I've got. I can also appreciate the beauty and skills in others as a result. x
Hey, i look like that…in my dreams! Really, I dream all the time that i look like that…weird huh?
I'm so full of blessings.
My amazing husband
beautiful, healthy smart children
Jesus for saving me
the holy spirit for continuing to work me…and what a work he's been doing these past couple weeks.
loved your post!
I wonder, is envy and wishful thinking the same thing? I mean I see Sophia Loren and wish my body looked like hers, but I don't think I WANT her body. Is that envy? lol You come up with really good community and positive living subjects! Thanks! This was a great post, though I'd rather have Tom Selleck than George Clooney. I think George Clooney might be a little self-centered.
It's so nice to be reminded to be proud and grateful for what we have rather than focus on what we don't.
My blessings are many. I have always considered jealousy and envy to be wasted emotions. The Universe is abundant. There is enough for all of us. Someone's good fortune takes nothing away from me.
This post was SO good. And so dead on. I am thankful today for the many blessings that are in my life. I am going to make a list tonight. I used to keep a list of 5 things I was thankful for every day in college. I am going to start again tonight. Thank you for reminding me to always, always be thankful and grateful for the place we are in life. God has blessed each of us in our own way!