I know that the blog births (7 to be exact), the prizes and giveaways, all the postings on each new blog, the opportunity to advertise your blog inexpensively to gain more readers, and a simple system that will enable you to visit many blogs by topic in less time, was probably a bit overwhelming. However, take the time to read the entire post from yesterday (here at http://theredheadriter.blogspot.com/2009/10/contest-giveaway-im-on-blogroll.html) so that you can understand the whole system and how your blog fits into the picture because you’re included. This should help you surf much faster!
~Walt Disney~~

Your blog is listed on one of them! Have you found it?

Those guys are nuts!! Amazing picture.
They remind me of the monkeys falling out of the barrel. Do kids still play with those or am I showing my age?