Did you go through a divorce?
Has someone you loved passed away?
Maybe you lost your job?
Your home has burned down?
Wrecked and totaled your automobile?
I’m sure you can still recall all the details of the unhappiness you suffered during these experiences.
Those events are or were “personal” 911 experiences.
9/11/2001 the people of the United States of America suffered a horrible loss and lived through a horrendous experience…as a nation…united.
Can you still recall the details or have you forgotten? This embedded file is worth watching.
As Wikipedia explains, the September 11 attacks (often referred to as September 11th or 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by Al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There were no survivors from any of the flights.
In total 2,993 people, including the hijackers, died in the attacks. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 countries.
Have we learned anything?.

~George Santayana~
I can't believe its been 8 years, I will certainly not forget.
This posting was just beautiful. My children all watched it too. A gentle reminder with great impact. Thank you!
that's one day I will NEVER forget…for a multitude of reasons
Oh how wonderful this nation is, I hope everyone will stand up for her. Especially now when our government is so bad, we have to fight to keep our freedoms. Your mom is proud to be an American, and so blessed to have you
We may have moved on as a nation, but we won't (must not) forget 9/11. That day replays in my mind like a movie. I was in Atlanta and alone because hubby was away on business. I was awakened by the phone and told to turn on the TV. I flipped to the Today Show just in time to see the second plane slam into the second tower. I just gasped. I stayed glued to the TV and watched it all unfold (the incredible fire and smoke, the fireman bravely risking their lives for a lost cause, the people jumping, the chaos on the streets below, the interviews by various politicians, the eventual collapse of the buildings). I was dumbfounded, scared, angry, hurt, helpless…forever changed.
Thanks for the remembrance.
it's been 8 years already? felt like yesterday when i saw the pix you posted. i can still remember the horror of that day..
I got goosebumbps watching that clip. I still remember exactly where I was, who I was with and what I was doing when I first heard about it. I can't believe it's been eight years.
i still get goosebumbs when i see the footage x
I doubt we can ever forget something like that. It's one of those history moments that will carry on
I just told my 11 year old all about 9/11 yesterday. This tribute is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
My September 11th was uneventful… well except for the fact that I was sitting in the middle of a typhoon. It was September 12th that I learned of everything that was going on, as I was living in Japan (12-13 hour time difference). School was canceled for a while and we weren't allowed to leave the house for a long time as well. Luckily, we had enough food stored from the typhoon to keep us well fed for the couple of weeks we weren't allowed to go out and about.
Those images, wow, what a reminder. I posted about this too today but I hadn't gone to look at any photos yet as they are such a vivid punch in the gut. Such a tragic day that we will never forget.
God Bless.
Thank you for this post. We need to continute trusting in God, individually and as a nation!
Returning your comment from SITS, thanks for stopping by!
Good question – have we learned anything? I don't know. I think we've tried; it's definitely changed the way we get onto airplanes.
Such a sad day that no one will ever forget!
I can't watch these videos without crying. My heart aches for all the people that lost their lives and their families!
thank you for the wonderful post! thank you for stopping by my blog..i totally look forward to reading more of yours!
I'll never forget that day. Like most Americans it is deeply embedded in the rest of our lives.
I was home alone that morning, the husband was at work, and I was doing my usual housewife routine when he called and told me to turn on the tv. My first reaction was, where are my kids? I wanted them and my husband home with me. I wanted us together.
I sat glued to the tv, like the rest of America, phone calls coming in all day from family and friends.
I think most of the World was in shock.
I Pray that we never forget.
Very moving post.
I still remember.