At minute 4:23 I CRACKED up laughing! Mothers can’t say “Gum is bad for your teeth any more!
Listen to what the Gum Artist says around the first forty seconds! Eewwwww!

Image by: Maurizio Savini

Images: Gum Art

Image: Bubble Gum Alley is located in San Luis Obispo CA

Images: Located in Seattle, WA

Images: Chewing In Venice
The last thing I want to add to all this happiness about gum…
Let me preface this with, “Mother’s please watch your children!” I was in a store looking at some things on the shelf when I hear this little girl tell her mother, “Mommy, what’s this?”
Without even turning around (mistake #1) the mother replies, “I don’t know, don’t touch it.”(mistake #2)
The adorable little girl crouched and stared at the chewed gum on the floor. I started searching for the item on the shelf that I was looking for and thinking about my own tasks. Finally I find the product and I turn with the intention of going down the aisle past the little girl and her mother. It was obvious that the mother had not turned around since I had been in the aisle (mistake #3) and I had not heard her say anything else to the little girl,(mistake #4) but the gum was missing from the floor and the little girl was chewing.
My eyes widened and I stared with horror at the little girl.
She stared back coyly.
I felt sick!
I approached the mother and apprised her of the situation to which she immediately made the little girl spit out the gum.
To me, IT WAS TOOOOOO LATE! I was SOOOOOO GROSSED OUT that I wanted to wash my own mouth out with soap!
How To Remove Gum From Fabrics
How To Remove Gum From Your Shoes
How To Remove Gum From Your Car’s Interior
How To Remove Gum From Hair
this is your mom, gross, all those germs on the wall. Yucky. Still bad for your teeth,lol, if it has sugar in it!!!! The art is great,what people think to do is amazing, I hope my creations will be as great,lol.
First I'd like to say I love that quote that's above the comment box! So sweet. ๐
I have contributed to, and have pictures of, that wall in Seattle. ๐ It's so incredibly disgusting, and yet fascinating and awesome.
And the little girl…
Weeeellll…now that's just gross. I will un-gross-out myself by saying she was just trying to strengthen her immune system for later in life. Yeah. That's it. ๐
That was cool to watch the video on how the gum was made. I made my DH watch it too since that's his fave gum. ๐
I live near Seattle and have no idea where that wall is….thank you sweet Jesus. GROSS.
As for the little girl….I would have been barfing all over her. You showed great restraint. LOL
I use to have nightmares about this type of thing when my kids were young.
Love the gum art.
I would die if I had seen this! Literally. I would have died. Dead. On the floor. From grossness.
That is so gross!! I found a wad of gum on the counter this morning. When I asked which child put it there, they blamed hubby..who doesn't chew gum!!
That is absolutely horrifying!!! Love your gum pictures however!
Oh that must have been gross.
Thanks for the visit.
I love gum! xo
Yuck! I can't get that picture out of my mind.
I understand how the mother felt. I have a priceless gum story. Very iteresting story about gum. I also love the page with pictures of flowers. I'm still trying to work out how you look up through the flowers. Did you dig out a hole and place your camera into it?
I LOVe the giant bubble.
Great Gum pictures. I am not sure why people drop their gum or put it under the tables. Then the little ones tend to find it. Gross.
Interesting gum pictures!!
Oh my goodness. That story of the little girl is just too gross to even think about.
Great pictures though!
You always make me laugh! Interesting comment – that you wanted to wash your own mouth out with soap.
I like the pics with the gum! they look very nice, especially the last two.
your story is gross! how a mother can be THAT stupid to not put attention on your own child???
I just can't understand it!
I could have seen one of my kids doing this when they were younger. Ugh! Thankfully, they never did!
I was never into chewing gum…didn't liked the taste and thought of it as a bad habit (like spitting). If I had seen that girl chewing the discarded gum, I probably would have thrown up. I can support gum at though (only from un-chewed pieces though)
Ewwwww ๐
That's cool what people can do with gum. I can't believe the little girl would chew that gum from the floor. We kind of did that when we were little but it was our own gum. My sister would save her gum on her bed post at night and then chew it the next day!