can be purchased or give information about the item
Feeling unhappy or “blue” every now and then is normal, but when a dark abyss of empty despair persistently engulfs you, it may be depression. When suffering from depression it is extremely hard to continue your normal responsibilities the way that you usually do and your interests in family, friends and hobbies all but disappear. This hopeless depression is overwhelming, but you can get better with support and proper help.
FIRST AND FOREMOST…THERE IS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF IF YOU ARE DEPRESSED. Society tries to make “depression” a thing of shame which only makes people more depressed! Do not listen to society! Do not be ashamed!
Common signs and symptoms of depression
- A low mood for most of the day
- Feelings of guilt
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Feeling nervous or anxious
- Feeling slow and sluggish
- Changes in appetite/weight loss or gain
- Irritability or agitation
- Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
- Decreased libido
- Having trouble with concentration or memory
- Loss of energy or feeling fatigued
- Unexplained physical symptoms
- Frequently experiencing breakdowns or crying
Make healthy lifestyle changes
Lifestyle changes are not always easy to make, but they can have a big impact on depression. Take a good look at your own lifestyle. Some self-help strategies that can be very effective include:
- Cultivating supportive relationships
- Getting regular exercise and sleep
- Eating a healthy, mood-boosting diet
- Managing stress
- Practicing relaxation techniques
- Challenging negative thought patterns
Are you clinically depressed?
If you identify with several of the following signs and symptoms, and they just won’t go away, you may be suffering from clinical depression.
- you can’t sleep or you sleep too much
- you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
- you feel hopeless and helpless
- you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try
- you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating
- you are much more irritable and short-tempered than usual
- you have thoughts that life is not worth living (Seek help immediately if this is the case)
If you are clinically depressed, please seek the care of a doctor because THERE IS HOPE! I will repeat that…THERE IS HOPE!
Top Free E-books About Depression
- To view free E-books click here
The following books can be purchased on-line from Amazon.com
- Mind, Stress, and Emotions: The New Science of Mood
by Gene Wallenstein - Stress And Emotion: anxiety, Anger, & Curiosity
by C. Spielberger - An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness
by Kay Redfield Jamison - Manic-Depressive Illness
by Frederick K. Goodwin M.D. - Unholy Ghost: Writes on Depression
by Nell Casey - Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness
by William Styron - More than Moody
by Harold Koplewicz - You Are Not Alone: Words of Experience and Hope for the Journey Through Depression
by Julia Thorne - When Words Are Not Enough
by Valerie Raskin
If you have identified yourself as being depressed and have tried the lifestyle changes and read self-help books as outlined above, seek the professional advice of a medical doctor, psychiatrist and/or psychologist. I always tell my friends to remember that these people become your “employees” when you walk into their office. You are paying them money for their services, correct? Right! Then they are your employee. If you do not like them, fire them which means that you do not keep going back to their office! If you are looking for a professional, first create a list of questions about the doctor/psychiatrist/psychologist to ask the person who answers their office number. Include questions such as:
- How long have they been practicing?
- Are they male or female?
- What is their specialty?
- What is their approximate age?
- Are they married, single, divorced?
- Do they have children?
And the last is the general feeling you have while talking to this receptionist. Are they rude, rushing you, impatient? If so, do you want to have that experience every time you have to make an appointment with the doctor? Is this person a reflection of the doctor’s attitude as well?
You might be thinking that I have lost my mind, however, I have not and there is a good reason I listed those questions. If you need to “connect” with the doctor and ensure that they know the “feelings” you are having, then knowing something about their personal life can help. Depression is not always just a physical thing, it is a mental/emotional thing and connectivity with the doctor is important. Maybe it doesn’t matter to you, but when going through a divorce, I wanted to talk to a woman who had also gone through a divorce. I knew that on some level she could relate with my unhappiness in the ending of a long relationship.
Just remember, millions of people are depressed and get depressed.
You are not alone.
You can find happiness again and be happy.
The following sites were used in this posting or are great sources for understanding depression.
This post is a wealth of information. Really. Great stuff, and well put-together.
Thanks for the blog comment. Very kind of you to swing by.
Congrats on being Monday 1st on SITs!
Blue? Ah,… Monday is always blue for me….
Stopping by from SITs
Beautifully written. I have a few friends I want to send this [ost to if you don't mind. Visiting from SITS. Happy Monday.
Great article… the pictures made me very happy though. Very serene and calm.
Glad to have found you through SITs
This is so timely with all that is going on with the economy. You are helping a lot of people.
I submitted my nomination for you over at Project Mommyhood!
Thank you for the awareness post. I have battled depression and it is not a fun road. I've been in counseling for 9 years.
Congrats on being the first sits commenter!
wow you're pretty amazing. I love your posts so creative and original and FULL Of info!
Well put together post along with all of those pretty blue images!
You list some good resources here. Saw you first on SITS and wanted to pop by and say hi!
Very nicely done post. This is an issue so many people deal with and it is nice to have more information for people. The more resources available the better off everyone is 🙂 Thank you.
First, you are one of my all time favorite bloggers! Second, those pictures are stunning and calming. Third, very well written and put. Fourth, did you write this about me??
Great links (and advice) for people with depression.
Bravo being number one on SITS. It's pretty cool, you'll get a lot of visitors. This post speaks to me right now. In fact I just made the comment on SITS that I almost didn't do roll call or my mama drama post today because I am feeling blue. However, I didn't want to let the blues get me down and keep me from doing the things I normally do so I woke up and did my post. I'm glad I did, I feel better now.
Thanks for the info…SITS sent me by…and I'm having a giveaway where EVERYBODY wins, so please come on down!
This is a great post! There are so many people out there suffering from depression.
All of us get down at times and your help tips are very good. Thank you
Hey there Ms. #1 at SITS again! Great info.
Loved your photo lead. Blue can also be beautiful.
I love blue and white together.
Great information. You're sure to help a few people. It's more common than most people know.
Will everyone just leave me alone! I WANT TO BE DEPRESSED!!! It makes me happy……lol. Now I am going to eat a three course meal and sleep for 12 hours! LOL
i love the pics and i love the information….i've had such an emotional roller coaster of a life and i've finally learned to embrace what i feel instead of having to downplay it!
A wealth of info here. And I love the photo collage, it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing this info!
Thanks for posting this. I've been dealing with depression my whole life. I'm in the process now of finding a new therapist. That's the hardest part… that and the actually going to therapy!
Impressive article! Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog:)
love the info..
i see you everywhere…how is the comment challenge going?
Thank you for featuring my beads and excellent info. I am travelling the road of depression and have done for some 12 years but finally asked for help and I am on the mend long journey and many changes but I am hopeful. There is always hope!
My favorite color is blue. I love almost everything that is colored blue. Blue gives me peace. It is soothing to the senses.