The Outer Banks, North Carolina, is a 200 mile long stretch of skinny barrier islands and a string of peninsulas. This beautiful land is a major tourist destination mostly because of its abundance of sandy beaches and temperate climate.
It is touted as one of the best family vacation destinations on the East Coast and I agree! The Outer Banks, often abbreviated OBX, is a place I can rely on to give me a great hair day. So not only do I love the Outer Banks, my curls just love the weather at the Outer Banks.
If you follow me on Facebook, a couple weeks ago you read this:
Facebook Page for The Redhead Riter
🙂 Saturday, July 26, 2014, 7:05 a.m.–UPDATE– Guess what I will be doing today? Here’s a #photo to give you a clue. It is a photo that I got off the Internet, but it will definitely tell you what I will be doing!
Did you guess? LOL Well, I will be taking some photos of this very special #wedding today ON THE #BEACH. Do you know who is getting married?
No! Not me! You silly people!
My “half brother” or “brother from another mother” or I just think of him as my “brother” especially because he looks like me and Dad! 😀
Bet y’all are surprised with that revelation aren’t you?! 🙂 LOL
Let me tell you that I’m staying at the NICEST hotel ON THE BEACH. Yes, ON THE BEACH. You know I’m in Heaven.
Over the next couple days, I’m going to share my wonderful Outer Banks vacation AND you’ll get to see pictures of my brother’s wedding too.
So let’s start a couple hours earlier than my Facebook post. Since I arrived the night before, I had the magnificent opportunity to fall asleep with the doors open and the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. Falling asleep that way is beyond description.
I had the alarm set to catch the sunrise on the ocean so that I could take pictures. I didn’t want to ever forget the experience because the beauty of the sun rising on the ocean is unmatched. There is a quiet peace and an almost spiritual feeling as you watch the sun begin to rise out of the water.
The sunrise on the first day was beautiful, but in a few days when I post the sunrise on the second day, your breath will catch in your throat.
So let’s start this journal of Outer Banks activities at the beginning of Day 1 with the rise of the glorious pink sun on the Atlantic Ocean.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:04 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:04 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:04 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:05 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:05 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:05 a.m.
Once the sun starts peeking out from behind the horizon, it moves quickly.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:05 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:06 a.m.
I pulled the camera back a bit on this one so you could see a bigger piece of sky and ocean.
Yes, in the bottom right hand corner of the photo you can see the railing of my hotel room balcony. I stood on the balcony and took the photos in my pajamas and the only sound was the waves crashing on the empty beach. My room was literally so close to the ocean that I could have thrown a rock into it if I had tried.
It was Heaven. I mean HEAVEN.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:07 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:07 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:07 a.m.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:08 a.m.
The waves were so beautiful and I loved seeing the beach empty except for sea gulls and a couple people who were also watching the sunrise. To be honest, it reminded me of the scene in the movie, “City of Angels” when all the angels stood and watched the sunrise.
Outer Banks, NC, 2014-07-06 6:09 a.m.
That’s the sunrise on the ocean. It’s quick, but oh so worth watching. I felt alive, invigorated and revived.
It was awesome.
sooooooooo jealous!!! I miss the ocean, & watching sun, moon, & other astronomical bodies rise from it! I saw them descend into it for the year I spent in Monterey CA learning Arabic, but other than that & a short stint in Skåne (southwestern Sweden), my water experience has been on the western shore of Lake Michigan, the East coast of the Atlantic, & the Eritrean/Ethiopian coast of the Red Sea. Maybe that’s why I’m a half-full kind of guy – I’m used to watching things rise from the sea rather than sink into it.
of course, sitting here in Arkansas, I can’t see either, even if I go to the river or a lake… I’ve never felt so landlocked! 🙁
thanks for giving me the vicarious view of a sunrise!
There will be another sunrise that is even BETTER than this one coming up soon! 🙂