Obviously, I believe words are important and crucial in maintaining a lasting and healthy relationship with most people. In this case, I actually fit into the “most people” category.
In a loving relationship, especially when you have a significant other, expressing your love for them daily is something I believe to be extremely important. Not only because you never know what the day will bring, but also because it reinforces and nurtures the emotional bond with that person.
Just say the words out loud right now even if you are all alone and see how they make you feel.
- I love you.
Say them again.
- I love you.
Now think of someone that you love. Do you have their face in your mind? Now say the words again out loud.
- I love you.
20 Ways To Write “I Love You”
I know that some people have a hard time actually expressing their love verbally, but I’m not one of them. When I love you, I can say it without hesitation. Love is such a magnificent emotion. When two people love each other it is empowering, comforting, peaceful and reliable.
Now that we live in the era of texting, there are quite a few ways to write “I love you.”
- luv ya
- love ya
- luv you
- love you
- luv u
- love u
- eye luv ya
- eye love ya
- eye luv you
- eye love you
- eye luv u
- eye love u
- ly = love you
- i heart you
- ilysm = i love you so much
- i love you so much
- ilyvm = i love you very much
- i love you very much
- ily = i love you
- i love you
We Often Fail To Say “I Love You”
There are an endless number of ways that you can “show” love for someone and many ways to express a “fondness” for someone, but “showing” love and feeling a “fondness” for someone are not the same as verbally speaking the words “I love you.”
Don’t let the moment pass you by to say those powerful three words all in one sentence together.
- I love you.
Don’t let shyness, fear, laziness, selfishness, lack of appreciation or belligerence be the reason that “I love you” does not pass through your lips.
- I love you.
Being able to express your feelings of love by saying it is a privilege and honor.
- I love you.
Hesitation and procrastination will cause you to miss the opportunity.
- I love you.
It is important to express your emotions because the other person needs to hear you say “I love you.” Love is not just an emotion. Love is an action and speaking the words is an action that reiterates the emotion to the people you love.
Let me say that again.
Love is an action and speaking the words is an action that reiterates the emotion to the people you love.
Start making “I love you” a part of your daily vocabulary. You’ll never regret it.
I can’t make a list of everyone that I love, but right now I want to tell one person how I feel.
Alyssa, my sweet daughter, I love you.
“I love you more than words can wield the matter; Dearer than eye-sight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; As much as child e’er loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable; Beyond all manner of so much I love you.” ~ William Shakespeare ~
What a fun way to look at a simple but powerful phrase!
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Thank you Joyce! I’m glad you enjoyed it! 😀
I make sure I say it often! Life is just too short and you never know when the chance will not be there…thanks for the reminder and for sharing it on the Thursday Blog Hop!
🙂 Thank you Pam!
What a lovely post! I have always found it interesting that we say “I love (chocolate cake, wine, books)” but are hesitant to say the same thing about the people who enrich our days and our lives. Thank you for the reminder to do just that!
I never thought of it like that Sue, but you are completely right! We do say we love so many things and leave the people out.