The weather has been perfect here in Richmond, Virginia, but there has been a storm brewing internally for over four weeks and maybe even five weeks. I started being sick in my stomach and then I caught some kind of germ from Alyssa. Since I have been constantly sick in my stomach, I tried every method to calm the storm inside of me.
Unfortunately, after I got over the virus, I realized that my stomach still felt sick. I don’t know if it is a germ that is hanging on or if it is nerves from the turmoil in my life right now. The latter is sounding more like the truth. I think most people eat to find comfort thus the term “comfort foods,” but I’m the complete opposite. I do not want any food when I’m upset – not even ice cream.
Since I haven’t been eating three square meals each day for so long, I’ve lost quite a bit of weight. Imagine that! If you don’t eat, you lose weight!
Today didn’t prove to be any different either. I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch and dinner was poor. I have been keeping my liquid intake steady and even drank some organic strawberry rose herb drink that Alyssa found for us. “It will be good for us, Mom, and it tastes great!” she said.
I must admit, it does taste pretty good and by drinking it warm, the drink has a little bit of a calming effect on my stomach.
Of course, through the turmoil of all these weeks, there has been one constant in my life.
This sweet toy poodle couldn’t be sweeter if she tried. When I told you that Bella is a lap dog, I want to clarify that she desires to be a lap dog almost 24 hours a day. Bella loves to be loved…constantly. Who doesn’t?
Sometimes she lays full out on my lap…
And other times I hold her like a baby. Of course, as I talk to her, rub her tummy or bob her a little, she does the same thing a human baby would do…
She falls to sleep. Not only does she sleep, but Bella snores.
Somehow Bella always knows when I’m sad or sick because she stays close to me AT ALL TIMES. She also frequently will jump on my lap and look straight into my eyes. Sometimes it is a little spooky because I know that Bella knows me so well that it feels like she is reading my mind.
IF ONLY she could talk!
After being cradled like a baby and snoring herself silly through a nap, Bella stood up, shook and then just fell backward in a sitting position next to me. Since I always forget to grab my camera when I sit down on the couch, I did the best I could with my cell phone camera.
Bella is adorable.
Totally changing the subject for a second…Yes, I have Winnie the Pooh all over my pajamas. I figured I would just say it upfront because someone always asks what’s pictured on my pajamas if it isn’t totally obvious. I love my pjs and I love Pooh.
Anyway, Bella is definitely the best friend I have and I don’t know what I would have done without her over the past several years. I know she is “just an animal,” but since I don’t have anyone else around most of the time, she prevents me from being TOO lonely.
It’s also a relief that Bella never complains about me no matter how many mistakes I make, what I forget, if I choose the wrong words or my tone stinks. She accepts me with all my flaws and realizes that I’m going to do or say things wrong, so she just forgives me and let’s it go. Our relationship never wavers. Bella has been and is my friend in good times and when I’m living in a nightmare. If everyone accepted me like my dog does, I think life would be so much easier. After all, I do try to be a good, thoughtful, appreciative, kind and caring person, but there’s no way I’m ever going to be perfect.
I’ve already written tomorrow’s post because I figured after telling you that I had “turmoil” and was living in a “storm,” I should probably go ahead and explain what my two secrets involve and how they just add to the things that happened during the October’s of my life..
I’m just like you. I don’t eat when I get anxious. I lose weight when times get rough.
I’m just like you. My dog is an amazing constant in my life. I am so grateful for having her.
I’m just like you. I sometime need to take a deep breath before getting back on my feet.
Keep your courage. In the end, you will realize that the situation you now find yourself in is not as bad as it feels. In a bit of time, you will find yourself in a much better situation and you will be pleased with the change, even if the transition period was bumpy. It is always true.
This is temporary.
Thank you so much Stefan! Transitions ARE bumpy, so I’ll be glad when this one is over! LOL 😀 {{{hugsss}}}
Awww, Bella is certainly a loyal friend indeed. And now the drama builds as we wait to read tomorrow’s post and find out what your two secrets are! 🙂
LOL Yes, Bella is so sweet! {{{hugsss}}}
I hope you will feel better soon. Oh that Bella is sooooo cute and adorable! Having her is such a comfort I see. I’ve been floating around and not replying as much, but still reading your lovely blog. Take care.
Thank you Donna! {{{hugsss}}}
I enjoy your blog and want to give you an encouraging word. I love your poodles.
Do you have any food allergies that could be hurting your stomach?
Keep writing and I will keep reading! Kiss Bella’s nose for me.
In Friendship,
Thank you Cyndar! 🙂 I will definitely keep writing and I ALWAYS kiss Bella! LOL 😛
Feel better soon. Have you tried the old apple cider vinegar (sips) cure for a stomach upset or virus? My mom also would just have us take a little pickle juice if vinegar was not handy. It’s about the acid/alkaline balance in the stomach.
You have my curiosity peaked. I’m concerned. I’ll be certain to read tomorrow’s post. I hope it is not anything too sad.
I’ve never heard of a vinegar cure! Sounds kind of funny! 🙂