You don’t know this yet…I nearly died on Thursday and I have kept it from you for three days, but I will get to that in a minute. (Imagine Carly Simon singing, “Anticipation”)
It has been awhile since I have let you into the simple soliloquy that goes on in my head. Not the one that I write about all the time, it is the short spurts of thoughts that are secret conversations between me, myself and I. Well, Turtle and Bella hear them too, but I don’t think they comprehend most of it especially when they start sleeping. Can you believe they fall asleep while I’m telling them secrets? (rolling my eyes)
So here are a few random things that have happened, things I’ve been doing and thoughts that have been going on in my redhead lately…
- I only define words in my posts when I want to make a big impact with the meaning or it is a word I know my daughter or mother don’t know the definition of, sooooo I hope that when I explain a definition to my readers, they aren’t offended.
- I need to start with a definition and I just told you why (laughing out loud), so the word is eGeek: (noun) A person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest such as “a computer geek”. My job (employment outside the home) is offering the employees a bunch of educational eMarketing/Sales type of webinars. I have been so excited about them! I think my boss gets a big kick out of the way I become quite animated when the conversation is around online computer stuff. I sent her a note last week to remind her that the webinar was coming up soon as a “funny” because she DOESN’T get excited about that stuff. Anyway, the short note she sent back really made me laugh. It said, “Please try to contain yourself. I am beginning to think you are an eGeek.” If you don’t see the humor in her response, you didn’t see the humor in my note to her either. Maybe I should move on to the next item. Yeah? Okay.
- I have a dry sense of humor which is humorous to me! (I’m seriously laughing out loud.)
- My email has always been a big thorn in my side because I never seem to be able to keep up with ALL of it. I had 2,359 emails in my INBOX. Seriously! It made me have a sick stomach every time I had to go to my email. That’s all over now. I have been so dedicated to my email for the last week. I think I am now THE Email Organizational Queen. Seriously! THE Queen! I have ZERO emails in my INBOX. Everything was answered, deleted or neatly arranged in folders. I’m so proud of myself! Please leave a comment saying, “Yay!” or something. I need to hear some praise because it was a BRUTAL task!
- You know I love Krispy Kreme Doughnuts as much as I love my pinkie finger. If you don’t believe me, just type “Krispy Kreme” in the SEARCH bar at the top of the right sidebar of my HOME page and then read all the posts about doughnuts! Anyway, my EMAIL is decorated with a Krispy Kreme theme, however, how am I supposed to feel free to salivate when visiting my email when this ad is always showing?
- Don’t forget to notice that “This folder is empty.” Yeah, that’s the INBOX folder!

- I gave my Google Chrome a complete overhaul. I deleted everything and started over from scratch because it never worked right. Now it is very nice. I use Google Chrome for my work with clients. When I’m doing social media for them, it is easy to keep their accounts separate from my social media accounts because all of mine are on Firefox. I wanted to use the Google Chrome LEATHER THEME because it looks like…um, leather and leather is HOT, but the tabs were so light that my young eyes struggled to read the writing on them.
- I couldn’t keep the leather theme, so my quest was for something like a peaceful nature photo. I found one! I had really hoped for blue tabs, because purple is so girly, but I couldn’t pass up the photo. What do you think of my new theme with the elegant photograph of a single person sitting by the foggy water as the sun rises or sets on the rocky shore in vivid blues and pinks??

- Last, but not least, let’s talk about my near death experience on Thursday. I have been getting a rash on my face, so I went to a dermatologist. Her suggestion was that I needed to change some products I was using. I changed dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, eliminated dryer sheets, purchased a different kind of bath soap, threw out my makeup and started with a fresh hypo-allergenic foundation and powder, made sure that my eye makeup remover never touched my cheeks and finally started using a very plain moisturizing face lotion.
I’ve probably lost ALL THE MALE readers by now.Even after doing all that stuff, I still keep breaking out! Well, I woke up on Thursday with my face as big as a croaking bullfrog or a puffer fish and the rash had taken over my entire face. The girl who never gets headaches felt like her head was going to explode and if that wasn’t scary enough, my esophagus felt tight and constricted.
I ended up seeing three doctors on Thursday! One doctor thinks I’m allergic to something that is touching my face which is highly doubtful at this point. One doctor thinks it is an allergic reaction to “something” which has been made worse because of high stress. (rolling my eyes) The last doctor took ALL my blood and put it in little vials to test for food allergies. I wonder if that makes me a vampire now? The doctor is sure that I have a food allergy because the redhead who NEVER gets heartburn even if she eats pickled jalapenos out of the jar, has been having severe heartburn. She said that was a sure sign of a food allergy. Did you know that was a symptom of a food allergy? I didn’t, obviously. Not only do I have a food allergy, it is something that I eat all the time! (Please God, don’t let me be allergic to chocolate, garlic or shellfish!)
So I have been putting the cortisone cream on my face, taking the cortisone tablets by mouth and only eating white bread, lettuce, celery, potato, turkey, a little salt for seasoning, spot of plain mustard and drinking lots of water as usual. THAT’S IT FOLKS! Can you imagine how bored I am with eating ONLY those foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner? No, really! Look at all the beautiful food I usually eat!!! However, I’m actually scared to eat anything else. I felt like I was suffocating on Thursday and was so scared until a fast blast of medication made my constricted esophagus go back to normal.
Where would I be without immediate medical attention? I’m so thankful for doctors and medical science!

Now isn’t it hard to understand how Turtle and Bella fall asleep on my conversations with them every day? Oh, and don’t forget that my INBOX is EMPTY and I could use a little kudos.
Definition of kudos: (noun) Fame, acclaim and renown resulting from an act or achievement; praise given for an exceptional achievement. Hint!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh good! A double praise! Thank you Jerel!
Woo hoo to eGeeks! Wish I could be one. I think it’s great that you are so enthusiastic about your work. You are lucky!
If it’s a shellfish allergy, you’ll do what you have to do. It’s obvious that you are accomplished at doing so.Btw, I do have that particular allergy and almost died at the age of 33 because there is no way that a girl who grew up in New England could suddenly develop an allergy to shellfish. So what if my heart was going to beat out of my chest and the incredibuly huge, disfiguring welts were not only covering my entire face but creeping down my neck and I was finding it hard to breathe…lol. Thank goodness for persuasive friends and triage nurses. No better way to get to the head of the line in the emergency room. Nothing like being pumped full of adrenaline administered by big needles. Several of them. Hopefully, in your case, it’s your laundry detergent causing your troubles.
You can deal with whatever comes your way. You are strong. You are good at your job. You are a fun Mom. Your blog is the only one I read on a daily basis and love. Plus, you would make a darn good friend! Hail to The Redhead Riter!
That is scary about your shellfish allergy! I’m SO GLAD you went to the emergency room!!! I have eaten shellfish all my life and love those little creatures, so I hope at my young age 😉 I haven’t developed THAT allergy.
Thank you, Susanne, for the shout out of praise! I feel humbled and honored! {{{hugssss}}} Keep your head head high and full of hope today! I’m always cheering for you!!!!
Wow, an empty inbox. That is impressive. I wouldn’t know what that would feel like.
It is a MARVELOUS feeling! Everyone should get to experience it!!!
Your diet sounds like your mother’s every day food and she loves it, lol. It doesn’t have any spice or garlic !!!! Those you overdo!!!! Or it is that Greek yogurt you eat?!!! Mother is allergic to Greek yogurt – even good old Sweet Frog ice cream which is yogurt!!!!! So dairy products, which I have a hard time with, may be your problem. I would bet it is yogurt. Oh well, Dr. Mom has spoken.
I have been where you are many times if you remember, the thought of death or not breathing makes it worse for the fear just adds to the stress and that makes it worse. You will live a long life and you will laugh at your self when you are old thinking all the time you wasted worrying because you will be old woman, lol. Love you. Glad you cleaned up your email so now I can send more, lol.
Bland food is not what I enjoy and no one can ever eat too much garlic! Aren’t you scared of vampires? 😉
LOL LOL LOL! Redhead Riter, you eat garlic to ward off vampires? Funniest thing I ever heard! (Well, one of the funniest things. It’s pretty funny that Turtle and Bella fall asleep on you when you are having your secret conversations!) 🙂
Of course I eat garlic to ward off vampires! I thought everyone did! 😉
Yeah, Bella and Turtle fall asleep on me when I’m talking to them, but if I turn the music up loud and start dancing they go crazy. I wonder if it is the music or my dancing? LOL 😀
You are welcome and it’s praise well deserved. Thank you for support and encouragement, it means a great deal. Hugs back!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
It is my pleasure to have you as my friend. No, we haven’t met, but yes, we are friends! {{hugssss}}
Good for you on simplifying your e-mail! A very hard thing to do. I revamped and simplified my life and mail a few months ago. What a big difference it makes. Like a huge weight off the shoulders!
So glad you are figuring out the food allergy. I became swollen last winter. Simplified my diet and have pinpointed my allergy to my favorite fresh baked poppyseed muffins. A huge deal to not be able to eat them for a treat, but finding a better, healthier substitute.
Best wishes and take care! 🙂
Thank you, Teia! I do feel so much happier without email dread!
I’m glad you found what you are allergic too, but it is a bummer that it is your favorite muffin. 🙁
BTW, I love your name! How do you pronounce it?
Okay, you want some praise for cleaning 2,359 emails out of your inbox? I’ll give your praise. Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Is that enough praise? Maybe a few more yays just to help get the point across of how proud we all are of you! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Okay, I don’t want to overdue all this praise. It might go to your head and your face might blow up like a puffer fish again. I definitely don’t want to set off your allergy! 🙂
Wait a second! I definitely did not get the full significance of this post! You started off your post by writing, “You don’t know this yet…I nearly died on Thursday and I have kept it from you for three days, but I will get to that in a minute. (Imagine Carly Simon singing, “Anticipation”)”
So being a loyal reader 🙂 I imagine in my mind Carly Simon singing “Anticipation” while you diverted our attention by telling us all about Turtle and Bella falling asleep in the middle of your secret conversations, you being an eGeek, you cleaning out your inbox of 2,359 emails, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, organizing Google Chrome for the clients you work with, and then you come to the part about you almost dying. (Now you have to understand, all this time I am reading and singing in my mind the song “Anticipation.”) And you write, oh so casually like it was no big deal,”Last, but not least, let’s talk about my near death experience on Thursday.”
Redhead Riter, how frightening it must have been for you to wake up last Thursday and find that your face was as big as a croaking bullfrog or a puffer fish and a rash had taken over your entire face. You wrote, “The girl who never gets headaches felt like her head was going to explode and if that wasn’t scary enough, my esophagus felt tight and constricted.”
OMG, instead of saying, “Yay! Yay! Yay!” because you had cleaned out your emails, I should had been saying, “Yay! Yay! Yay!” because you survived that frightening ordeal. Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Redhead Riter, for surviving and for being the survivor that you are! 🙂
P.S. I think that the title for this post should be changed from “In The Mind Of An eGeek – Simple Soliloquy” to “In The Mind Of An eGeek – A Complex Soliloquy.” Your life has not been simple at all.
LOL Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will take the YAYs anyway I can get them!
It was frightening and my life has been complex. Actually, it has been COMPLEX! LOL
So if you were singing the whole time, it must have taken you a long time to read the post because I know you can’t do two things at one time. LOL
I love eGeek! Wonderful word!
I can’t imagine an empty mailbox… haven’t had one of them since I was beta testing AOL in early ’88!!! 😀
I don’t know about Bella, but I bet Turtle isn’t sleeping… he’s just reading the insides of his eyelids 😉
Your allergic near-death experience is very scary! I just hope, with you, that you aren’t allergic to any of those Spices of Life – no matter what your mom says!
I love the freedom I feel with my email now! I get email, I read it, I respond, I delete spam and then my mailbox is empty again. It is sooooooooooooooooooo lovely.
My mom does eat bland and it is NOT delicious regardless of what she says about it. Yuck! I love eating all kinds of foods and isn’t it said that variety is the spice of life? 😉
I commend you for your empty email box. I am overwhelmed by my email and want to get it cleaned up too. Let us all know what you are allergic too and I am hoping it is not Krispy Kreme Donuts.
Don’t even dare think that I am allergic to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! OH MY GOODNESS that would be pure torture! Do you know, that hadn’t even crossed my mind? LOL
Good luck with your email cleaning. It feels soooooooooooooo good!