A pair, pare or pear…
Let’s start with the definition of pair: “Two corresponding persons or items, similar in form or function and matched or associated.” An example of this would be two passionate people who are married, engaged, or dating. Yeah, I added the passionate part in there because if you’re not going to be passionate about the relationship, why be in it?
Then there’s pare which means “to remove the outer covering or skin of with a knife or similar instrument” which is what you could do to juicy, organic white peaches with fair flesh.
However, I’m not thinking of a pair or paring. I have another word in mind.
When I take the time in the evening to sit silently on the couch with the sun streaming through the window, I find peace as the hustle of the day evaporates.
Of course, to make the moment even better today, I decided to eat a pear.
As I held the ripe pear in my hand, the fattened lobe felt heavy and full of juice.
The deliciously cold sweet juice…
almost burst through the skin.
Each succulent bite of the…
spherical fruit…
kept producing dripping sweetness…
from the gritty flesh.
The white pulp barely held onto the core…
as I took one relaxing bite after the next.
The big bites of fruit filled my mouth…
and the sun warmed my face…
as the day drifted into evening…
Powerful photos, titillating text! Once again you’ve turned a simple, innocent topic into a passionate post! Of course, you realize that every juicy photo was an invitation to share that pear, leaving paired bites in the moist, succulent flesh! mmmmmmmmmmm…
You said, “you’ve turned a simple, innocent topic into a passionate post!” and my response is, “Me? Moi?” LOL LOL LOL 😉
The last pair of pear photos had me writing a long comment, but I pared it down to this comment.
LOL Stéfan! Very cute! Try saying, “Pair of pared pear photos” ten times real fast! LOL LOL
I want a pear! I love pears. Though it looks like you’re eating a Bartlett pear, I love the old cooking pear as that’s what I grew up with. I can’t remember the technical name for it, but that’s what we grew in our orchards. My sister-in-law, from Ohio, said she never knew they could be eaten like an apple. They always cooked with them, but after seeing me eat one, she tried it and loves them too. What kind of camera did you use to do the close ups? You did good! I’m at work and can’t get a pear! Those pictures and your descriptions made my mouth water!
I always want a pear, Judy! All I need for a perfect meal is a pear, a mango and chocolate. LOL
I thought everyone knew you could eat pears like apples! Oh my goodness!!!
My camera is not a fancy pants camera, but my dream camera is a Canon EOS 1D (http://usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/slr_cameras/eos_1d_x). I think it would be HEAVEN to own it!!!
Thanks for the slice of food porn. (smoking cigarette) You made my day!
LOL LOL P.DogB!!!! You’re welcome!!
Mmmm, pears.
That was such a long sentence. LOL 😉