According to the Webster’s Dictionary, “hypnosis” is “a trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.” Basically, hypnosis is a trance or deep concentration that can lead to a form of progressive relaxation. While in this very deep relaxed state and imagination, the person is extremely susceptible to suggestions. I’m sure you’ve probably heard of people being hypnotized to quit smoking, to remember experiences or even seen it used in comedy routines. Hypnosis has been around for awhile.
It’s not hard to hypnotize someone or so I’ve been told. Since it is supposed to be relatively easy, I thought that I might try to hypnotize you now. First, get in a really comfortable position and imagine my soothing Southern accent saying, “Breathe in and out slowly. Take deep breaths and you will begin to feel yourself relaxing. Close your eyes and let the motion of your breathing in and out relax every part of your body.”
Hey, you gotta peek at the screen so you will know what I’m saying…
“As you are breathing, notice how your arms are relaxing. Feel your legs relaxing. Let them get more and more comfortable as the muscles continue to relax. The muscles are getting very loose and relaxed.”
“You’re doing very good.”
Okay, maybe I can’t hypnotize you over the internet after all. If you did the above language to someone for about fifteen minutes, the person would be hypnotized. During that time you could suggest that they do or remember things like I said earlier.
When you were ready for them to come back to full awareness, you would say something like, “I’m going to count to five. When I get to five, your eyes will flutter open and you will feel completely relaxed.” At that point you would slowly count and the person would awaken.
Since I can’t hypnotize you, maybe you would like to see these very cool animated hypnotizing graphics.

“When I count to five, you will awaken, feel refreshed and think that The Redhead Riter has the most interesting, eclectic, fascinating, enlightening, heartfelt, ingenious, awesome, clever, inventive, information, fun, witty, intelligent blog you’ve ever read and you will be completely addicted. One…. Two…. Three…. Four…. Five….”
I feel incredibly refreshed, & realize I have just been reading the most awesome,intelligent blog I’ve ever read… but I kept feeling an intense compulsion to ‘like’ a Facebook page – & when I got there, I couldn’t, because I had already liked it!!! LOL!!!
You made me laugh out loud Skip! That comment is hilarious!
It’s not that easy Sherry! LOL
I have been hypnotized and it is not what you think. You know where you are the whole time. I went back to age 3. I could see the nail marks on the wall and the uneven glass like the old days. I could see me as if I were in a movie. As I traveled through years, I saw myself grow up and learned why I did the things I did and felt so worthless. After it was over, being shy ended and I learned to love me. I was determined to be different and I was, wasn’t I?
I love your blogs, but those moving strips gave me an instant head ache. Thank you. LOL
Sorry about the headache Mom, but did you sit there and stare at them for hours? LOL LOL You’re silly.
Being a Hypnotist myself you can indeed do text trance. It’s not hard. I spent a lot of time in hypno chat
and erotic hypno chat rooms back in the day. I got pretty good at it. Nothing like doing it in person. I love your graphics. Ive seen some awesome ones in my day..
Very cool. Truth be told, I didn’t need to be hypnotized to love your blog… I have always loved your blog (wink).
Stéfan, THANK YOU! I also love your blog LOL Everyone should check out his blog – Lots of great photos! —>
Ha, I am not going thru all of them…Just looking at the first one and i feel an itch on the back of my neck, the left eye is trembling, and i have an urgent need for a therapist….lol 🙂
Cool one – have a nice day uhm…! Would you please leave me a note on your carrots post on how would you prefer to be addressed, Red, Sherry, Madame Carrot Top, Ms. RedHeadRiter? 😀
You are a very sincere blogger, really
LOL Andy!!! I suggest you call 1-800-GiveMeMe
I’ll leave you a note on your other comment about the name thing… 🙂
I love writing and blogging is a wonderful place to do it! I’m glad you enjoy it!!!
Shocked you didn’t hit me with this via Twitter DM when you put this up.
There is actually away that you could use many of these graphics for self-hypnosis very easily. With the proper instructions, most of the population would go into a trance in less than two minutes (10% would be good in under 20 seconds.
That said, there are some important safety factors that need to be considered.
Self-hypnosis is a wonderful tool and a fun and exceptionally relaxing experience. It can provide some very positive results for a wide variety of change. HOWEVER, NOT EVERYONE SHOULD USE IT.
If you are even feeling just a little down, it isn’t for you. If you are on any psychotropics, narcotics, have a diagnosis of depression, trauma any other psychological condition or are under the care of a physician, DO NOT USE SELF HYPNOSIS.
In that case, see a professional hypnotherapist and allow them coordinate with your health care providers and get you headed down the right path.
If you want to know more about hypnotherapy in general, you can take a look here:
Thanks Colin for the link! I love these fun little graphics. I may hypnotize myself to act like a sleeping “Riter” at around midnight tonight LOL 😉
Wow…wonderful graphics….Thank you for sharing. As part of my practice I use Hypnosis to reinforce addiction cessation progress, healthy weight loss management and self-esteem, and coping with pain, that just can’t be made to go away regardless of which treatment modality we might try.
Your graphics put me into a happy place…I know, it sounds a bit far fetched, but after doing hypo three times in a row, one does tend to get a little bleary eyed and bleary minded I guess!
Thanks again for the journey. Hans
I’m glad you enjoyed them and were able to relax! 🙂