Unmoving and…
sleeping peacefully until…

“Why are you bothering me?
Can’t you see I was sleeping?”
Can’t you see I was sleeping?”

“I can’t believe you keep snapping that camera!
The noise is annoying me!
Please go away.
I love you, but I want to sleep!”
The noise is annoying me!
Please go away.
I love you, but I want to sleep!”
“I guess this is payback for eating a hole in your
olive green pajamas
your light blue slippers?”
olive green pajamas
your light blue slippers?”
and not feel vicarious
excitement and affection,
you must be a cat.”
She's so cute! 🙂
Too, too cute! If Bella could talk that is exactly what she would say! :o)
I cannot tell sometimes which end is up
What a cutie! 🙂
HOW PRECIOUS! She makes me miss my "Taffy" so much! What great pics!
Love ya!