I finally downloaded all my cell phone photos. Since they are not the best quality, they are more a way to capture an emotion or thought rather than a beautiful photograph or work of art.
One of the things that I notice about my photographs is that I take a lot while driving in the car. I just point the cell phone camera, click and never look at the screen until later when I’m not driving any more.
What am I trying to capture?
Life is a journey.
I’m on the road leading somewhere which is in itself a great accomplishment.
is that it comes one day at a time.”
~Abraham Lincoln
Sometimes the day is filled with a bright blue sky, plenty of sunshine and hope.
Hope for happiness.
Hope for success.
Hope for peace.
Hope for love.
Along the way there are signs to inform us that we are either going the right direction or we need to change the course.
Richmond, Virginia…
One city filled with thousands of people who are doing their own “thing” every day. Although each person’s goals are different, everyone is moving forward either steadfastedly toward happiness or backsliding into passive indecision.
~John Paul II
We can take hold of it
with the handle of anxiety
or the handle of faith.”
~Henry Ward Beecher
Have we prepared for it?
Are we willing to take the path with all the sacrifices required in order to attain the happiness that is waiting?
Do we willingly make the effort to change and progress?
We have time.
There’s no need to rush.
Enjoy the present, but keep moving forward toward the goal.
The day as it comes. People as they come…
The past, I think,
has helped me appreciate the present,
and I don’t want to spoil any of it
by fretting about the future.”
~Audrey Hepburn
However, there must be a plan and a steady effort to move forward or the opportunity can be lost.
To obtain great happiness and success, it is required of us to put forth effort.
something which everyone reaches
at the rate of sixty minutes an hour,
whatever he does, whoever he is.”
~C.S. Lewis
Looking into the past is necessary and helpful. We can learn from our successes and mistakes, however, dwelling on the past can lead to much unhappiness. It would be like trying to drive a car while looking through the rear view mirrors only. Eventually, the car would wreck into something because the driver would be totally unaware of what lies in the path ahead. Planning ahead is necessary, but it is impossible to foresee everything that might, could, would and will happen.
to try to look too far ahead.
The chain of destiny can only
be grasped one link at a time.”
~Winston S. Churchill
We can diligently plan.
We can hope.
We can work hard to make our dreams come true by putting our plans into action. Every day we can take one step closer to the happiness that awaits us while enjoying the wonderful moments we experience now.
We can not, however, see clearly into the future.
It is all up to each individual to take the steps necessary in order to have the job, relationship, home, education, family or experience we have always dreamed of obtaining.
The happiness that awaits is worth the risks.
believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Well said, and your imagery is perfect. The road of life…
What an awesome post! I love the pictures. I just realized what you did. What a neat idea!
God Bless!
Beautiful photos… inspiring words… and all ending in glorious snow!
Good morning and I Love your photos! And I have given you the Versatile Blogger award. Hope you are having an awesome day. http://differentcornersinmylife.blogspot.com/2012/01/i-got-versatile-blogger-award.html
It was almost like we are right there with you. Great post!
Bad girl, do not text or take pictures while driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your mother
TJ, I did not look at what I was taking a picture of and if you don't want me to take any, then you should drive me around :o)~ LOL
TJ – I was tempted to say just what you said, but then I suspected that she was using a 'point-&-click' technique… & also anticipated her response!!! LOL