To help myself wake up in the morning, I read the post that was published the night before on my blog. If I’m not in a hurry or have the day off from work, I languish on Twitter, Facebook and in my community until my brain finally realizes that it is time to start the day. Sometimes that takes a little while.
On Thanksgiving day, not only did I wake up late, but I enjoyed computer time too.
My Twitter name won’t surprise you a bit. I’m @TheRedheadRiter and in case you haven’t noticed, I am a redhead. In Twitter language, that would be “I’m a #redhead” and my profile states it also.

Have a little patience! I’m getting to my point, but I have to explain this stuff or my mother won’t understand my story!!!
Whenever I talk about being a redhead on Twitter, I always try to use the hashtag so that other redheads or lovers of redheads will find me. Hmmm…That could lead me down a total different topic because who doesn’t want to love a redhead?
(innocent smile)
So now I’m going to tell you what happened to me on Twitter while I was trying to wake up and I’m going to throw in some Twitter hashtags too. It’s very important to remember that I was half asleep and desperately trying to wake up totally. #MakingExcusesAlready
See how the whole hashtag thing works?
Okay then, here I go…
I was talking to one of my newest followers who is also probably one of my youngest – a young man with the Twitter name @LukeVsLukas.
Part of the conversation went like this:
Me: @LukeVsLukas Where were you born/live?
Luke: @TheRedheadRiter I live in Sheffield, England
Me: @LukeVsLukas With the redheaded Prince Harry! Aren’t you just so lucky!
Luke’s response to me was a retweet of my message, except that he included another person on it:
Luke: @Prince___Harry “@TheRedheadRiter: @LukeVsLukas With the redheaded Prince Harry! Aren’t you just so lucky!”
Me: LOL I didn’t know he Twittered. #Redhead power! Long live the #redheads of the world! ? RT @LukeVsLukas: @Prince___Harry “: @LukeVsLukas
Pause right there for a second.
Let me give you the definition of an important word in this story:
adj ?g?-l?-b?l
Definition of GULLIBLE
: easily duped or cheated
You didn’t forget that I was still #HalfAsleep and #TryingToWakeUp, right? Well, since Luke is from England, I figured he would know if Prince Harry was on Twitter and even know his Twitter name.
So like any good Twitterer, I jumped over to Prince Harry’s account and retweeted (RT) a message he had posted earlier:
Me: RT @Prince___Harry: Are my American followers enjoying Thanks Giving. RT if you are 🙂 #happythanksgiving
Then I tweeted Luke and said:
Me: @LukeVsLukas okay, I’ve officially RTd a prince. Cross that off my bucket list LOL
The next thing I know, I get this tweet from none other than @Prince___Harry.

Luke: @TheRedheadRiter muha! As if @Prince___Harry has just tweeted us! We’re privileged! #moment4life
I stared at my screen and blinked.
#Gullible sets in
No? Yes! Prince Harry just tweeted me!
So then on November 24, 2011 at 12:09 pm I tweeted:
Special #FF request ya’ll A fellow #Redhead so “Love a redhead 2day” & please follow ? •.•´¯`•.• ? @Prince___Harry
That marked the moment I officially showed all my gullibility.
The phone rang and after Mom wished me “Happy Thanksgiving,” I recounted the whole story to her. Alyssa heard it too and just #RolledHerEyes.
After hanging up the phone so that I could get ready for Thanksgiving dinner with my family at my sister’s house, Alyssa hollers from down the hall, “Hurry Mom. I don’t want to be late!”
I had to know if the real Prince Harry just tweeted me. It is one thing to look like an #idiot with my mother and daughter, but I didn’t want to go tell the rest of my family a total falsehood.
After just a little Googling, I discovered that if I want to know anything about Prince Harry, then it can be found at the official sites of The Prince Of Wales or The British Monarchy.
There is also an official Twitter page @ClarenceHouse which “Updates, pictures and videos from Clarence House, about The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry” or @BritishMonarchy that gives “The latest news on Royal events.” Both of these accounts have been verified by Twitter which is indicated by a little blue check mark icon on the Twitter profile page.
Prince Harry does not have a Twitter account that is all his own. Apparently @Prince___Harry is a fake and should learn some…
noun ?ä-n?s-t?
Definition of HONESTY
2a : fairness and straightforwardness of conduct
b : adherence to the facts : sincerity
Unfortunately, that makes me a total:
noun ?s?-k?r
Definition of SUCKER
5a : a person easily cheated or deceived
I didn’t tell anyone at dinner about #MyCloseEncounterThatNeverHappened with Prince Harry. Obviously, going forward I should be #TotallyAwake when I tweet since being #HalfAsleep didn’t work too well.
#ThatsMyStory and #ImStickingToIt
That is too funny and sad at the same time that someone would impersonate another on Twitter. Did you Tweet something clever back when you realized it wasn't the real prince?
I'm sure your emotions ran the gamut!!
You are not the only one who can be gullible at moments… and sometimes, others don't have the benefit of blaming being half asleep.
That's so wrong! but at least you had a bright moment of celebrity tweetness for a little while.
#HowdidImissthis yesterday when I read through all the tweets. #Musthavebeentheapplepie. #Youaretoofunny! @blebco
One minute we have a brush with fame and the next it's gone. No matter either way it made for a cute story!
@TheRedheadRiter #ThatWasTooFunny #ThanksForTheLaugh #LMBO #GullibilityInTheAgeOfSocialMedia 🙂