For days I have teased and tempted you with my secret recipe using Dulce de Leche. Well, tonight is the tantalizing reveal with plenty of photos of the baking process. Of course, you may have to stay up all night to satisfy the new craving for this delectable dessert.
It would be a disservice if I didn’t tell you that this recipe has a billion calories in it.
After you take the first bite, I’m sure you will agree that it is totally worth the calories. I mean, you’re not going to eat it every day for a month or anything! After all, one cake won’t add too many pounds.
Drum roll please.
(Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada Bada Dum Tshhhh)
That was a drum roll sound!
Give me a break! I tried!
The recipe you have all been waiting for…
Iced Pound Cake
Let’s get started!!!
Cream the butter and sugar together well.
I put the electric mixer on medium for 4 minutes.

The batter is somewhat fluffy…
And the sugar looks like sparkling diamonds
In a way it reminds me of the way snow sparkles in the sunshine.
I love snow.
I love this cake.
Add sour cream.
Pretty, huh?
Combine well.
In a separate bowl sift flour and baking soda.
Set it aside for a minute.
Crack all the eggs.
Turn the mixer on and keep it on.
Alternate between adding 1 egg and a little bit of the flour mixture,
mixing well after each addition.
The batter will be fluffy when it is thoroughly combined.
Add vanilla.
Mmmm….Vanilla smells so good.
It is warm and welcoming like home.
Add coconut and pecans.
Sorry the next couple pics aren’t up to par.
Guess I got too excited about baking the cake.
I didn’t even notice the pics were dark!
(rolling eyes)
Combine it well, but don’t beat it.
Butter the pan and then flour it well.
With the fancy shape of my pan, it would have been a catastrophe if the cake had stuck.
It didn’t because I butter and flour like a fiend.
That stands for “Laughing My Butt Off”.
I say that a lot online.
I like laughing.
My pan is made of silicone, so I set it on a foiled lined baking sheet.
It helps me move it in and out of the oven without it squishing.
I love the silicone pans!
Yep, love, love, love them.
Isn’t the batter gorgeous.
I’m drooling.
I love batter.
Okay, now put the cake in the oven for a LONG time.
Since I had to wait soooooooo long for the cake to come out of the oven,
I made sure there was a little “pre-treat” for my tastebuds.
See the lovely chunk of batter, coconut and pecan on the beater?
Oh, oh, ooooh! So good!
Yep, I left some batter on the spatula too.
Do you know how my grandmother (Mam-Maw)
used to say, “spatula”?
She said, “Spatchla”.
I think of that almost every time I say spatula.
I say, “Spatch-u-la”.
How do you say it?
Okay, well the cake is cooking for a long time,
so I’ve got some lickin’ to do.
Finally the timer rang out to let me know that the cake was done.
Do you know how I could tell?
See the hole in the top?
I inserted a very thin serrated knife ALL the way through the cake.
When it came out clean, I knew the cake was done.
See the fluffy cake through the hole?
Peek in there and look at the fluffy moist cake.
The outside of the cake is crunchy and the inside is soft and fluffy
even though it is a heavy pound cake.
I’m sure you have no problem seeing all the coconut and pecans.
I didn’t wait for the cake to cool before I cut the slice.
I love warm, moist cake.
You can eat the cake like this and it is still delicious,
but the icing simply blows the flavor into another dimension.
So I poured and spread the Dulche de Leche icing on the cake.
I mixed some pecans with the homemade Dulce de Leche
and let it melt and ooze on the hot cake.
Each bite I can taste moist sour cream pound cake with
little bits of coconut and pecans.
Then my tongue feels the ooey gooey sweetness
of the homemade Dulce de Leche.
Just when I don’t think it can get any more exciting,
I can feel the crunchy outside of the cake.
An explosion of perfectly combined flavors fills my mouth.
Yes, yes, yes!
This cake tastes better than Meg Ryan’s restaurant scene
in the movie “When Harry Met Sally” sounds.
No, really.
De-lish-ous and ri-i-i-i-ich!
I’d say that the Sour Cream Dulce de Leche Iced Pound Cake is orgasmic,
but my mother and daughter read my blog.
I said it, didn’t I?
Clean thoughts people.
Sour Cream Dulce de Leche Iced Pound Cake
Cake Ingredients
2 sticks butter (1/2 pound), softened
3 cups white sugar
1 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3 cups all-purpose flour
6 large eggs, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup pecans, chopped small
1 cup coconut, shredded
Icing Ingredients
2 cups pecans, chopped medium
1 can homemade Dulce de Leche cooked 4-5 hours
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar together (4 minutes on medium/high with an electric mixer). Add sour cream and mix until completely incorporated.
In a small bowl, sift the baking soda and flour together.
To the creamy mixture, add eggs 1 at a time alternating with the flour mixture. The batter will be fluffy when finished mixing.
Add vanilla, pecans and coconut. Scoop mixture into a greased and floured 10-inch tube/Bundt pan. Bake for 2 hours to 2 hours 15 minutes.
To test doneness, insert a thin, serrated knife all the way through the cake. The blade should come out clean. Outside of cake will be crunchy and inside will be moist and fluffy.
Allow Dulce de Leche to cool. Add fresh pecans or toasted pecans and mix well.
After cake has cooled, pour Dulce de Leche icing over entire cake. If you cook the Dulce de Leche only 4 hours, the icing will be thin and runny more like drizzle. If you cook the Dulce de Leche 5 hours, the icing will be thicker and you will have to spread it on the top of the cake.
Personally, I like to ice the cake by the slice according to the wishes of the receiver and I store the Dulce de Leche in the refrigerator until ready to use.
The cake was beautiful minus that coconut, yucky,lol. I am going to dream about what you did not want me to read about!!!!!! Old not dead!Now I am LMBO
You say this Sour Cream Dulce de Leche Iced Pound Cake has a billion calories in it? How about a trillion? After viewing the pictures I am happy that I do not live next door to you! I'm afraid that I could not eat just one slice and that I would end up eating the whole cake! I don't even want to think about what a trillion calories would look like on my hips! 🙂
Never thought of nuts and coconut in a sour cream pound cake! I'll be drooling all day 🙂
Wow. That's a mighty fine cake! It looks so delicious.
Oh! This looks soooooo delicious! ~ no calories, of course ~ LOL ~ ^_^
That cake looks so fluffy and mightily delicious! However, may I ask if I can put other alternatives for coconut? my kids are not a coconut lover. How about chocolate chips?
Carina Fitness Tips,
My daughter hasn't ever been a big coconut eater, but she loved this cake! It's not really "coconutty"
With that said, it is delicious with chocolate chips!
Mom (TJ),
You're a hoot.
I STILL want you to live next door!!!
Make it this weekend and end the drooling! LOL
It's in the mail! (wink)
ArtMuseDog and Carol,
Of course is calorie free (rolling eyes) LOL LOL
Holy Cow this looks good! Thanks so much for adding it to the Favorite Thanksgiving Recipe Linky! 😉
This looks delicious! Thanks so much for adding it to the Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes Linky!
This cake looks absolutely amazing!