Alyssa has this thing about saliva.
She doesn’t want any farm or zoo animal to lick her…ever, but she loves animals.
When we made the wrong turn on Grave’s Mountain and found The Little Red Hen and her friends, it was very exciting. Next to The Little Red Hen was a large pasture with goats.
The goats walked right up to the fence and we could touch them!
Alyssa was as excited as my sister and I had been all those years ago.
Ahhhh….memories-in-the-making colliding with memories of the past.
“Look!!!” Alyssa squealed, ” The goats are pregnant!”
Boy were they pregnant!!!
The little baby goats are called kids and they acted like rambunctious two-year-old human kids as they hopped around eating grass.
The kids would get underneath the mama goat and nudge her udder and then grab onto the teats searching for milk. They were so cute!
Okay. I was excited with all the goat antics too.
The goats and their kids grazed and co-existed so peacefully.
People are so stupid to be mean to each other and fight all the time.
Then there was the goat that missed the appointment with the hairdresser.
This unsheered goat reminded us of Bella!
I have to get back to the saliva thing.
When Alyssa was a little girl, I would beg her to let animals eat food out of her hand or to at least hold the container so that they could get close. She wouldn’t hear of it! No way!
“I might get spit on me!” she would say.
There are no words to describe my thrill when my 18 year old daughter FINALLY wanted to feed the animals from her hands! It is a day that will go down in history!
Alyssa was a natural at it too. She just filled her hands with the food and put them out.
The goats were eager to participate in this historic moment.
“Ewww, Mom. I hope you are getting pictures because you might not ever get the chance again,” Alyssa said, but I could tell she was loving the experience.
“They are just so cute!” Alyssa kept saying.
Yeah, she just about forgot all about their wet tongues.
The joy on her face thrilled my heart.
Alyssa finally fed the animals and it is a moment imprinted in my brain forever.
Don’t worry. We had gallons of water and rolls of paper towels in the trunk of the car, so Alyssa didn’t have goat slobber on her hands for too long.
It turned out to be a good thing that we got lost after all. As a mother, I have soaked in every experience possible with my child and this day with the goats was well worth the wait.
Those goats are adorable! I am glad getting lost led to such a wonderful mother/daughter experience! 🙂
This is too sweet! It's awesome that you take these kind of opportunities to enjoy the world and time with your kids. The photos are great, looks like fun!
It does sound like a great moment. Thanks for sharing it with us.
That is so precious! It looks like you had a wonderful time with your daughter. I love your photos.
Ooooh I just LOVE this post Red!!! I'm currently obsessed with goats. Not that I have a place to put them. I feel the same way as your daughter when it comes to dogs. I don't care if random animals lick me, but dogs? Egads. The stenchy breath makes me want to vomit.
It looks like you both had a great time and I love seeing all these pictures! 🙂
What Beautiful Pictures! I love Alyssa’s outfit! She always dresses so pretty when you show pictures of her, no matter what she is doing! The animals are the one thing I like about living in the country. We have goats and horses on either side of us. We don’t even have to own any, because they are always getting out and feeding over in our yard, hence no flowers! LOL! Anyway, interaction with them is a wonderful experience to have.
God Bless,
Thank you! Yes, Alyssa is very stylish even when she doesn’t try. LOL
I wish I had goats! I love them!
Goats…..aaugh! Great lawnmowers, garbage disposals, intuitive as all get out (chasing goats that have picked yet another locked gate is tiring work), provide a tasty beverage, but riding them can be painful. Alyssa’s smile is proof enough of the fun the two of you had.
We DID have SUCH a great day up there! I love it up in the Shenandoah Mountains area. The air is clean and smells so fresh!