I love the taste of salt.
Women love to curse salt for making them bloat like bullfrogs on a summer night in the country. Salt regulates the fluid balance of the body, so too much salt makes women look a little puffy. I’m actually a little different than most people and their salt intake. I don’t have a lot of salt in my body, so I’m able to eat more of it than the average person. That isn’t a problem at all because I love salty stuff!
Anyway, Motoi Yamamoto uses salt in his art. Actually, salt is his art! Salt is a symbol of purification in Japanese culture. After the death of his sister to brain cancer, Motoi Yamamoto started creating intricate patterns on the floors of large structures. These labyrinth patterns are part of his process in healing and coping with her loss.

Amazing isn’t it?
It isn’t like anything else I’ve ever seen. I think he might be one of the most patient men on the planet!
That was beautiful! I'm one of those people who can "look" at salt and bloat up like a bullfrog, but that art was gorgeous! It actually looks like lace in some of the pictures.
Love ya!
This is a coping skill, he is escaping from pain. Out of some of the worst of pain in life can come the most beautiful rewards and remarkable accomplishments. Thank you for reminding me as I fight not being able to sit!
Wow! It amazes me how I see salt as something that I love on just about anything and somebody else sees salt and can create amazing art! Thanks for sharing this!
Certainly is a very patient and highly creative person ~ Just dropped in to say Good Morning and to wish you the best in the day ~ ArtMuse Dog ^_^
Oh my goodness. This is absolutely beautiful. I can imagine how therapeutic this is for him. Looking at it makes ME calm!
Have a great Saturday!
WOW – I have no seen or heard such a thing. I love it…
There are such talented people out there!
By the way, I think salt gets a bad rap. I discovered that when pregnant, salt intake was not what raised my blood pressure. It was stress and fluid intake.
This is another creative post. Thanks!
this is amazing. I want to try it…on a small scale…love the effects…wow and double wow.
Beautiful and so creative. Thank you for sharing, Hugs!!!