I’ve been hosting the “Tell The Truth Thursday” question for quite a while and the participation just hasn’t ever taken off like I was hoping, so I think I’m going to have this post be the last time it will appear on my blog. I have an idea of something else that I will do on Thursday’s, so I will work on making it happen possibly by next week.
So on to the question this week :
- What was/is your most favorite season?
The weather report tonight says that Richmond, Virginia, is expecting 3″- 5″ inches of snow on Thursday. It should start in the morning and then turn to ice by early afternoon. Sounds perfect! I’m as excited as a young child!
I love the snow. No, really…I LOVE THE SNOW!
My favorite season is the blistery, cold days of winter. I love the low clouds that hover and block the sun thus making the day a muted gray color. Those are the days I long to sit by a blazing fireplace in warm slippers, thick socks and a

Don’t worry…I”ll make sure I share so that you can see the beauty too.

Now it is your turn to answer the Tell The Truth Thursday question. Enter the post URL that answers the question in the Linky below and have fun checking out everyone’s answers…
I've always loved your TTTT and participated regularly until I took time off to get some health needs.
I checked in regularly when I returned and found no more new ones and finally gave up. I stopped by recently and one had appeared from last week.
I will be sad to see this go but will add one for this prompt. Thank you for offering TTTT and I do hope more bloggers join in the fun.
I will keep your badge on my blog in case you reconsider.
Happy Holidays!
Well…I hate that you're bringing this meme to an end. I will look forward to participating in your next one, though.
Here's my response, if you'd like to read it.
Fall is my very favorite season. It's like my soul season! LOL – However, I LOVE SNOW!!!!! I am so excited to have a WHITE CHRISTMAS!
I'v always love TTTT and will be sad to see it go. I'd looked for it several times lately and not seen it, so I missed this one. :`( Sorry… I do understand, though. I'm debating just posting my own awareness stuff with the button occasionally and leaving the linky on the other page… It seems anymore it's just me, Lori, and occasionally someone else participating. I rarely get a comment on those days. Same thing with the ongoing prayer list, so I just post the button that links to the page that contains it in the event that anyone decides to jump on board. *sigh* Oh well…
I'll keep an eye out for the NEXT BIG THING!! ;D