In the spirit of the humor with which a man told me about this next picture, I also added an appropriate picture of it’s polar opposite.
Traditionally, most of the family care and planning has been the woman’s responsibility. We are able to get it all done. Our makeup is such that we are simultaneous-multi-idea-thinkers and men are one-thought-at-a-time-thinkers. Visually, it looks something like this…
Woman’s Brain

men would ride side saddle.

Sending love to all the men (snicker, snicker)
I can't believe you found an actual picture of my brain! Ya I'd have to agree no doubt women win!
That's cute.
Actually, the difference is that most men are more likely to focus on one thing at a time, whereas most women are more likely to multitask. That's one reason why, for example, young women sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the choices before them, more so than young men, because the young man will be more likely to focus on one thing he wants to achieve at a time, whereas the young woman may feel like she has to achieve it all. But it's also why women are generally better managers than men (and better homemakers, which is a kind of manager), because they can process lots of activity without becoming overwhelmed by it all. (As a stay-at-home dad, if family members push too many demands on me at once, I shut down and tell them all to wait while I process and prioritize. Can't handle it.)
PERFECTION! My husband will LOVE this! Did you ever hear the one about the boxes and how men put the box away careful to never let the boxes touch? LOL!!