Expressing in a brief, handwritten note your appreciation or affection.
It doesn’t feel like that long ago when I was in elementary school, but evidenced by my latest birthday, it actually was quite a long time ago when I sat on those tiny seats at the long, low tables found in school. I remember opening my brown paper bag each day in the cafeteria to find a delicious lunch with a neatly folded napkin. Always on the napkin was a short note written by my sweet mother. Sometimes it was just a few words…
- I love you
That spoke volumes to a nerdy little redhead. It gave me a self-esteem boost in the middle of the day and helped to nurture the feeling that home would always be my haven.
School is not easy and is filled with disappointments and stress for children. There are so many teachers, children and new experiences. A simple written communication by a loving parent reaffirms to the child that she/he is special and provides another way to strengthen the parent/child bond.
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