who grows up to be a friend.

My daughter, as you are probably well aware by now, is 16 going on 27. Alyssa is also very smart and tender-hearted. I have spent every possible moment with her because being a mother is what i have wanted to do since I was four years old. Some of those moments she wished I had been far away because I am a bit clingy and now that she is getting older I am having a hard time “letting go” of my precious pearl. That’s what happens when you have one child.
Anyway, I was reading Stir Fry Awesomeness last night and she posted some cute questions that she used to interview her small children. I thought it would be fun to ask Alyssa the same questions since she is older and maybe I would get a whole different group of answers that would either show she totally knows me or she doesn’t really know me at all! So I held my breath and started asking her…
What is something mom always says to you?
- Alyssaaaaaaaaaaaa
What makes mom happy?
- Me and Evette
What makes mom sad?
- Eating the last eclair
How does your mom make you laugh?
- When she is acting stupid (me? act stupid?)
What was your mom like as a child?
- Carrot head nerd (such a lovely answer!)
How old is your mom?
- Old (great! I have another birthday soon too)
How tall is your mom?
- 5’8 (actually 5’8 1/4″)
What is her favorite thing to do?
- Write this blog and not sleep
What does your mom do when you’re not around?
- Write on her blog and not sleep (she is such a smarty pants)
If your mom is on TV for something, what will it be for?
- The most times ever being proposed to (we won’t talk about this one)
What is your mom really good at?
- Making things with beans (not to eat…LOL…craft things!)
What is your mom not very good at?
- Sleeping
What is your mom’s favorite food?
- Anything with sugar in it
What makes you proud of your mom?
- She is so dedicated to anything she puts her mind to :o)
If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
- Mix between Daffy Duck, Woody Woodpecker and Gumby
What do you and your mom do together?
- Have totally random conversations (I think this is good LOL)
How are you and your mom the same?
- Too many things (This is excellent although she doesn’t think so!)
How are you and your mom different?
- Not many things these days.
How do you know your mom loves you?
- Just a known fact (aaahhh I like this answer)
Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?
- Vermont (yep, cows, snow, cheese and Robert Frost)
What does your mom do for a job?
- Stuff on computers – the jobs of four people (she always says that)
Actually, she does know me quite well. I don’t even have to say anything sometimes and she will still know what I am thinking. Unfortunately for her, sometimes the opposites is true. It also helps that she gets this certain look on her face if she is telling a half truth. I always say, “I can see the devil dancing in your eyes” and then she knows she’s doomed.
happy memories of the past,
the joyful moments of the present,
and the hope and promise
of the future.
How well do you think your children know you?
I love this post. My little girl is one of my best friends. I'm so glad that you and your little girl have that kind of relationship.
Happy New Year!
~ Yaya
Yaya's Home
How cute!
Those answers were great.
I'm surprised she knows who gumby is?!
I love those questions and your daughter's answers are great:) My daughter is only 2 right now but I'm looking forward to having that type of friendship relationship as well:)
What a great activity! Stopping by from SITS!
That was a beautiful post. I would that if I would have ever been able to have a daughter, we would have had a close relationship like yours. Sherry, My blog is Gorgeous thank you. How can I repay you ? Just let me know. I can't thank you enough. I hope you don't mind if I tell the world who did it. You deserve mounds and mounds of credit, bows and thank yous! I hope you will stop by often and admire your hard work! By the way, we are a lot a like according to your interview with your daughter! Especially about the computer and sleep. I was up til past 1am working on my blog. From the looks of my blog, you were also. I am so proud. I'm serious. If I can do anything for you just let me know.
Love ya bunches!
First of all, she is beautiful!
That is so sweet that she knows you so well.
I think she is proud of her mama. I also think Alyssa wants you to get more sleep!
As a mom of 2 girls, I loved this post :0)
What a great post! I have one child and feel the same way as you. I hope to have the same great relationship. Your daughter is beautiful!
I love this post! Stopping by via SITS…Happy New Year!
Love those quotes and love how she loves her mama.
You and I have something in common. Sleep is a stranger to me. I'm very fond of sleep, but never get to spend time with sleep the way I'd like cos there's just too much crap to get done in a day!
Great post. I'm sure you both will get a kick our of this in years to come. I think I might ask my kids the same questions.
I'm glad you did this. "Carrot head nerd" made me laugh. "Just a known fact" is the best answer you could get.