It doesn’t matter when, where, what the activity may be, how long it lasts, or how many times I might have done the exact same thing before…I still can’t get enough.
No, my mind is not in the gutter at all. I’m talking about something totally different.
As you may know, it took a long time before I was finally able to have a baby. Alyssa was the answer to all my prayers and ended my heartache. I can’t ever get enough of her company. She is fun to be around, smart, quick witted, and has a basic peaceful calm about her all the time. Her happiness is contagious! In so many ways we are exactly alike and yet the differences are so dramatic that it makes being together a thrill.
Now that Alyssa is a young woman with a very articulate voice of her own, we can talk about anything and often do. We come up with crazy things that will cause us to double over with laughter and our stomach and face cheeks ache. Then there are the times that we both will cry until our eyes are puffy and swollen red because of our tenderhearted and overly compassionate natures. Somehow we always relate with the underdog in just about every situation.
I used to drive her to school, but now she drives herself to school, hops out of the car, grabs her stuff, kisses me in front of God and everyone at the school, and runs into class while I move into the driver’s seat to drive away. I always leave thinking the same thing…I’m so blessed. I’m just so blessed. I could perform good deeds until my dying day and still never feel that I earned the privilege of being such a fantastic person’s mother.
This morning it was a bit chilly so she was wearing a pair of jeans, a cream sweater top with pearl earrings and the pearl necklace she received for her sixteenth birthday. Her blond hair was curling softly around her face as I watched her concentrating on the traffic. I’m sure she noticed me watching in her peripheral vision, but she didn’t say anything. This was the little girl that used to run around barefooted in her diaper and onesie squealing and desperately trying to get up on the couch as I crawled around, waist length hair flopping everywhere, pretending to be a big dog and chasing her.
Alyssa has been like a beautiful butterfly or a brightly colored rose. She has emerged into womanhood with grace and a soft heart. I’m so proud to be her mother and thankful for such a marvelous blessing. No matter how many years I live or how much time I get to spend with her, I can’t get enough of her lovely presence.
Thank you Alyssa.
I love you. ?

I’ve been where this video takes you and I know what it feels like…I know I’m blessed and I thank God every day.
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What a beautiful entry. She is lovely. 🙂
I think she's a little bit lucky, too. What a neat relationship the two of you have!
She's beautiful!!!
Oh, what a great mom-moment! What a beautiful daughter! However, if I were in the drivers seat, which I have been, I wouldn't be watching my sons. I would be screaming, clutching the door, wishing I had wonderful calming drugs, no matter how well they drove. You are indeed one great mom!
How lucky are you both to have one another. What a beautiful post.
What a great picture of your daughter and what a beautiful post! You're both lucky to have each other. I feel the same way about my darling boy who we waiting so long for. He's our miracle boy!
She's beautiful! There is no greater joy or privilege than being a mom. I thank God daily for my 4 little munchkins!
I love being a mom and having daughters. This was a lovely post dedicated to your daughter.
My name guess for today is Sarah.
This is a beautiful post and video. I've never heard this song but it reminded me of how blessed I am to have the many little ones I do. Something about realizing your miracles makes you appreciate them more. Thanks for sharing
visiting from sits
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Hi There! Thank you for visiting me to celebrate my SITS Day! U are deeply appreciated!
Wow, that song & video made me cry. I have so been there, felt that – I hate infertility. It sucks.
I adored reading this.
It's an awesome thing for a mother and daughter to have what you two enjoy.
That's so sweet!
I wish I could read your posts. The right hand portion of your text gets completely cut off, so I can't read some of it 🙁
This was so touching, I am a sobbing mess. I'm so happy you have each other.
I'm bawling!!! Your letter just filled my heart with the love oozing from it. you are lucky to have each other! I can't speak about the video w/o choking up
Your post makes me want to cry-so beautiful! My daughter is 6 1/2 and we are very close. My prayer is that when she is 16, we will be even closer, like you and your daughter are. How encouraging to hear that it is possible!
Ops, I'm weeping, tender heart I have too.
She's so beautiful.