When I was eleven, my mother worked with a very cute, funny, gentle, younger man named John. He was not too tall, not too short, had curly blondish-brown hair that touched the top of his shoulders and a very kind soul. From the eyes of two little girls, my sister and I, he was just perfect and we adored him. The fact that he owned goats just added to his attractiveness because we loved animals.
Mom did not and does not care very much for animals.
Maybe I should say that again…Mom does not like animals and really, really does not like goats.
John was over all the time and spent hours in the swimming pool teaching us to swim. After my parents divorce we were all a bit “fragile” and John helped us forget all the heartache with his laughter. I was always trying to get him to stay longer hoping that mom would just swoon at his feet. We just loved being around his happy personality. In many ways his spunky, young attitude was like his little goats and that’s a compliment.
One day, mom wasn’t home and there was a knock on the patio door at the apartment where we lived. I could see through the white sheers that it was John and so I slid the door open. When I did, little goats were all over the patio and they walked into the living room making a funny little noise.
We were so excited! As a matter of fact, we were so lost in the moment that we TOTALLY forgot about mom’s impending arrival. John had also brought a bunch of bottles for us to feed them. Our excitement with those fuzzy little creatures was almost tangible.
You know what happened next.

The living room was filled from wall to wall with baby goats, my sister, John and me…and then mom got home. I won’t ever forget the shocked horror on her face when she saw the new petting zoo located in her home. John, with his perfectly straight white teeth, flashed her a helpless smile. She couldn’t be mad at him too much because we were SO HAPPY.
I don’t know if mom ever read him the riot act, but that day with us she just acted funny trying not to touch the goats too much or fuss at the drips of milk on the shiny hardwood floor. Eventually, John rounded up the goats, put them in the truck and drove off.
We all still talk about that day with fondness. It was one of those moments when everyone was lost together and nothing else mattered. As I grew older and realized the effort it took for John to bring the goats over and for Mom not to freak out, I decided that I wanted to be that type of person if I could ever have a child. I think Alyssa would tell you that I have freaked her out instead with some of the wild things we have done together. The experience “together” is really the most important moments in your life. Everything else really doesn’t matter.
Imagine about ten of them in your living room acting exactly like these little goats in this short clip. How good of a mommy would you be?
Amazing that she didn't go nuts. I would have!
I had a friend that had baby goats, and they are the cutest!
Well this has to be some statement about all the good that goats can do, bringing joy into people's lives. Put panties on them and they really make your day! Funny, I just caught your link to this on Facebook right after my own link to a goat article in some random newspaper – not nearly as nice as your post here, though.
that is such a great story.. did you keep in touch with John as you grew???
Oh, she's a good momma indeed! And how can anyone resist a baby goat, for Pete's sake?
my mom would have called animal control…nuff said.
Hey there RR! I am taking some time out of me new mommy cocoon to visit my fav blogger (there, I said it publicly so it's true). I had to check if you were a finalist for MOY and you are! BIG congrats! I also see that I can get my vote in just under the wire, so I am heading over to Project Mommyhood right now before Marlie wakes up to nurse. *hugs*
How exciting and fun. What a great memory! I once sat in a barn stall with a bunch of baby goats…they were everywhere!
What a fun first thing in the morning read. Thanks for the story. Smile
Looks like you learned parenting from some amazing people! We were at the zoo today and my little man wigged over the goats!!
This is so funny. My brother let some hamsters run the house one time. We had them every place. His friend had babies and my brother wanted them my "Mom" said no. Then one day they were all over the house. He put them in a box in the closet and they got out.
Thanks for sharing this great story.
What a great story!!! My mother would have freaked….My kids want a minature donkey…I'll go for that!
Oh! I love, love, love this story! What a wonderful and sweet thing to do!
My mom had goats for a while and they were like little puppies. I loved to go play with the goats because they have such funny personalities. She had a momma goat that got pregnant by a bigger type goat and couldn't birth the baby. It was too big. She was dying trying to have it. Mom took her to the vet and had a C-section done. Then, mommy goat and baby goat lived in the garage til they were both well and able to go back to the pens. She named the baby goat Angel. It was white too.
We are selling our dairy goats tomorrow 🙁 I have had more than one goat living in my house over the years. I even slept with a few when their little life was touch and go as I tried to nurse them back to health.
That's a nice reminder that, as mothers, we should surprise our kids with how flexible we can be. 🙂
I am deathly afraid of goats, but after watching your cute little video and reading your story about feeding the little goats with a bottle, I may or may not have been converted into a goat-person. hehehe
What a great story and memory to have! I don't know if I would of been able to keep it together like your mom did, well maybe if I saw that look of joy on my child's face:)
Growing up "country" I don't see how any mother could resist a "kid" in any form lol. Wonderful post!
Growing up "country" I don't see how any mother could resist a "kid" in any form lol. Wonderful post!
Growing up "country" I don't see how any mother could resist a "kid" in any form lol. Wonderful post!
Well, having had ONE goat in my life, I could tell you that I would not have any in my living room or anywhere else. Your mother did pretty good handling that situation.